"It's societies fault I am a total loser"

1  2019-11-08 by HarryPotterIsADem


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I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. "It's societies fault I am a total ... - archive.org, archive.today

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Why do I do this? Because society has decided that everyone must work for a living, and if you're not fortunate enough to be born to a wealthy family or stupid enough to pay 100,000 dollars you don't actually have for a piece of paper, all of the decent jobs are locked up away from your reach

Actually it is because you have zero skills and your job can be performed by brainless people you look down upon when in all actuality they are all probably way cooler than you with social lives and friends, lol.

Probably. But a lot of them are cunts like you, so you might just be biased.

Those cunts with their friends and social lives. Why can't everyone be passive-aggressive shut ins who read anime all day while somehow still feeling superior to literally ANYBODY ON THE PLANET lol

I dunno where I claimed to be superior to anyone bud. How the fuck do I get out if here anyways?

And people question why I want to round up the poors.

I am surrounded by people who only want to talk about sports, celebrities, or their mundane , boringly ass lives.

I enjoy reading, thinking, and small gatherings of other people who enjoy quiet, contemplative discussion and copious amounts of intoxicants.

I enjoy reading, thinking, and small gatherings

I enjoy reading, thinking,

What an intellectual. How has someone not discovered this diamond in the rough yet? You're wasted on the fulfillment center bro

One shift in a factory was enough to convince me to get my shit together and want to get an actual career, what's going on with you?

Lot of debts to pay off, not a lot in the way of better options. Kinda just been trying to climb out of the pit I got dumped into after childhood ended.

I wouldn't normally do this, but looking through your post history if I could give you one piece of advice it would be to not buy in to the personality stuff (INTP). You start to define yourself by it and then even in situations where you'd have the potential to be outgoing or talkative with people you'll end up believing the excuse of "that's just not who I am".

Some people are more social than others, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't make an effort to be outgoing. Connections are far more valuable than skills or education, and they're how you get out of that pit.

Then again I'm firmly against the idea of taking advice for anyone on reddit so do what you think is best, but don't take it out on the people around you.

I came to the whole INTP thing pretty recently, and I don't so much define myself by it, just relate to it. I don't like to make a habit of writing off my bad behavior as just being a part of who I am. Mostly I just appreciate understanding where it's coming from and that I'm not alone in the way I feel. Fully aware we aren't define by that sort've thing, but by what we do with it.

I have been getting better about social stuff, but I still need long breaks from it to be happy. And if anything, the trolls hitting me right now are kinda just reinforcing my unconscious bias against people. Even if I know, intellectually, they only do it to get their rocks off, it still fucks with me on a sub-level.

You should refocus your hatred of people and just start hating groups of people by identifying factors

...like, Personality and behavior related factors? Because that sounds like it's creeping into racist/bigot territory. Fuck, hate might just be too strong a word. It might just be that I'm consistently disgusted and disappointed by the human race and I don't really know what to do with it. I definitely think there was a point in my life when I could have described it as hate, but now, with the perspective of age, it just feels more like Apathy.

Hey, I got a question you might be able to answer for me. What do you guys call subreddits like this? Where trolls bring their trophies? Because I always thought of them as hunting lodges, and now I can't get this image of a bunch of gnarly looking literal trolls sitting around long tables munching on halfling cutlets and swilling some awful variation of beer...

Don't sink into nihilism, it's just cowardly.

As for your second paragraph, that's a pretty mean description of u/masterlawlz

I mean, calling it a hunting lodge still seems kinda appropriate. I've seen similar operations in other places. It was annoying at first, but now it's kinda fascinating.

Calling it an operation is giving the sub too much credit tbh.

It's more retards acting like bigger retards to the point where, outside of the obvious agenda posts, it's hard to find any sincerity through the thick veneer of jackassery. Same goes for r/drama obviously but they got pingcucked.

Huh. Well, this has been enlightening. Thanks for time, but I'm about to turn on robot mode to grind through the day. Be well.

Good luck, genuinely hope you crawl out of that shit.

Thanks. At this point it's not so much a crawl as hacking my way through a swampy jungle with a dull, rusty machete. I'm making progress, it's just slow going.

That's the important thing. Any progress is still progress. Or as Confucious said, "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."

Drama and DeuxRAMA troll with love btw, not hate.

And I'm more than happy to leave you all to it. Not my cup of tea, but everyone's got their thing. Thanks for hearing me out though, it's appreciated.

I haven't clicked yet, but let's guess.

Is it a Magatard? Chapo? Alt Rightoid? r/Politics? KiA? MensRights? Menslib? Feminism? Conservatives? Dem? Teenagers? There's so many total losers who'd rather blame society.

That’s a ton of words just to say that he’s autistic