
1  2019-11-10 by HardIsLife


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They delete so many fucking comments. It's insane. Every single one is trying to be a fucking activist.

I was actually enjoying your memes if not content-wise at least stylistically but this one just seems like some low-effort repost of a r/Drama meme about SRDines from a year ago that you went and made an effort to copy. Not feeling it.

Fuck. I'm such a boomer 🤭🤭🤭

Shush! I did google /r/drama meme for this. But shush!

Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. 👏🏻👏🏻 - archive.org, archive.today

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What are you, maaaaaaaaan?

It's been well established Snappy has developed sentience. Snappy is literally the most advanced AI out there obviously.

That must be it :o

I wonder where that repetitive "unpack" phrase came from - could it be Innuendo Studios' GG series? Unless that one was released after Jordan Owen debated that fat "sjw" with the mullet, in which case it started even earlier.

I started hearing it in college, but it was in the context of writing. Like, if my professor thought there was something more that we could do with a piece of writing, she’d tell us to unpack it. I imagine the phrase was taking an ungodly life of its own in other pockets of academia.

Ah, interesting! That was kind of the meaning in that Innuendo bit, "unpacking" the reactionary's mindset behind his irrational arguments; thought it came from the internet though...

Plus a lot of the woketards who say it are liberal arts/sociology/psychology majors and have to take writing classes so it’s no surprise their professors’ speaking and teaching wears off on them.

Your right but it actually took off after Jorden Peterson Cathy Newman interview. Im guessing that this interview drew allot of attention and people here him say this in other interviews so it just kind of stuck.

Reddit before 2017 was fun, had a lot of drama. Now it's just woke territory, united in a crusade against orange man.

Wonder how things will change after he is gone??

I wasn’t on Reddit back then lol so, this is all I know

Dangerous Donald unironically ruined the internet.


It will go back to 420and 69 memes till the next Republican president.

Complain about the next level down if either US Senate or House still holds Republican majority about nothing being done...

Sunrise, sunset

I dunno if two years ago it was much different. Was that the first round of bannings? The introduction of quarantine?

When I joined in 2015 there were still subs dedicated to rape, burning children, animal abuse. Racist subreddits were kind of middle of the road.

Incomplete. Doesn’t mention being a tranny. All reddit jansvestites are mentally ill. It’s either than dealing with redditor a makes you want to cut your dick off, or that only someone who’s head is fucked up to begin with would choose to do it for free. I think it’s the latter.