College newspaper rightfully apologizes for committing the crime of journalism and gets ratio’d by “professional” journalists! 👏 Learn 👏 to 👏 code!

1  2019-11-12 by tejanx


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We’re doing drugs. If i wanted to hear “don’t do it man” or any other sort of social stigma about wanting to put meth in my ass I would have asked my mom what her thoughts were. Obviously if I’m ready to put meth in my ass and I want to know whether or not I should take a shit first, I’ve already made up my mind. It’s going up there.


  1. College newspaper rightfully apolog... -,

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Search “thedailynu” on Twitter for more blue check rage. It’s pretty hilarious that journalism is basically canceling itself by buying into the overly online definition of what “trauma” is.

Modern journalism is trash. That’s why I get all my news from screenshots of Q 4chan posts on my Facebook feed.


WHO is really on the Senate? Pakistan??

You already KNOW the answer, look to your Secretary.

More to come, stay alert. 77 11 3


Ive been worried over this for 7 hours now. Please update us?!

Hey bud, Q predict anything for you today? Hey, I heard Q wants all his followers to take a shower. You hear about that? Yeah, he said they have to take regular showers and all get jobs. You… didn’t get the memo? Did you not hear about that? Oh, okay. No yeah, I hear some lady saw Q on her toast. You hear about that? Yeah, Q showed up on a piece of toast, and she kept it as a charm of something. I don’t know.

Hey bud, you think Q might know anything about those alien abductions? Yeah, what do you think? I mean he’s got all these inner secrets and knowledge, right? He oughtta tell people where Bigfoot is hiding. Bigfoot? He’s a big hairy guy, smells bad, wanders around all the time. He’s definitely a Q follower. Mmhmm. Yes. Yes. Ye-no, not that one. Yes.

Hey bud, you wanna help me move this? Oh? Hey, I gotta message straight from Q Headquarters, you gotta help me move this. Yeah, it just came in. Q wants his most loyal follower to help me move this. Oh, you will? Alright. Oof, just move it… just a little… back up, er, Q says back up. Yeah, now just try to get it… okay, Q says put it down. Yeah, Q is definitely gonna be happy with you about this. We can go get some pizza after this is done, but leave your guns at home, heheh

Richard Lewis is the ultimate journalist that hates other journalists. His latest video on Deadspin and Gawker is fire.