Eeek, a penis!

1  2019-11-12 by antiwarus


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can’t find them?

that’s because they live among us, looking like normal people. the only real difference is they’re going to hell


  1. Eeek, a penis! -,

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To be fair, guys have done a no no in dick economy aka Diconomy. You don’t flood the market with your dicks especially when there’s very little demand. Use your brains.


U want a pic of my brains?

Imagine asking bootlickers for a help with a dickpic, lmao.

Legalize it

It's good for the flu

Good for asthma

Good for tuberculosis

Even umara composis

Confirmed men are gross

Like dude seriously. Just send a dick pic back. Learn how to function in this world.


described how he would like to come on my feet

This is the real problem right here. Foot freaks need to be locked up.