Good morning I hate women

1  2019-11-14 by MikeStoklasaBackup


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Not racist, but isn't it possible that this is exactly what the filthy grasping Jews want us to think?


  1. Good morning I hate women -,

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haha spot on brother


l.o.l. paul! like churchill said "if you’re not a communist when you’re 25, you have no heart. if you don't hate women by the time you’re 35, you have no brain"

see you at the bbq!

  • bill

Sent from my Iphone

I really missed boomer posting

She knows what's up.

Gold digging is one of the only lifestyles I respect 👌

Women are smart. This woman is smart.

American communist. These two are not compatible

It's over for Wittaker Chambers-cels


If I wanted to date a man I would.

Cope. I would do anything for tall qt Amazon gf

I bet you'd like one with broad shoulders too.




she fucking busted

Is that a woman or a "woman"?

Also this is fake news.

Thank you for including the red lines. Without them, I wouldn't have been able to understand it at all.

Do u guys actually not realize it’s a joke? Trying to gauge the iq level of this sub here

this sub is filled with single digit iq simpletons. don’t explain it’s a joke you’re ruining the fun

The only joke here is foids

Sub 70 I guess

Guess again. Its even lower 😏


a mill for every forehead is not unreasonable

Hoes mad