AOTY contenders

1  2019-11-20 by HardIsLife


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  1. AOTY contenders -,

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don't "k" me

These all look like tryhards from /r/fakealbumcovers

It’s Charli. It’s Charli baby It’s C H A R L I X C X It’s Charli baby 😪🤭

Fridge looking ass


art hoe bullshit

do the world a favor

Banana aoty tbh

The only thing here that's good is the Caretaker album


Can I roleplay war raping you? You can be a Chinese peasant and I'll be a Japanese soldier during WWII

Blanck Mass’ new album pales in comparison to World Eater


> no empath, black midi, nilüfer yanya or otoboke beaver

fake news