Behold the legion of mentally retarded gays that liked the substance of my comment but not the way I said it, so they violently cancelled me for it

1  2019-11-21 by SerbianWarCriminal_


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My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. Behold the legion of mentally retar... -,

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Shouts out to that one upper middle class leftist white dude who confidently told me that he knew my mother would be ashamed of what a vile racist I was to use the term mongoloid. For reference, my family comes from a culture where it's common to refer to Asians as "little chinamen" colloquially because of their eyes, draw your own conclusion.

Imagine how exhausting it must be to go around actively trying to get offended at every waking moment. I mean they get a rush out of it but still.

yeah imagine that.



Quite the time traveler.

do you white self loathing pussies ever stop to consider that minorities are all actively just as racist as white people and in many cases are even more racist?

it's crazy that people who fancy themselves intelligent and type out novels with civility and serious tones and proper punctuation on reddit are so retarded or under-exposed to minorities that they can't even consider what reality is actually like.

have you ever been exposed to significant amounts of ethnicities other than white people or do you live in a gated community?

I'm have a Costa Rican heritage and this nonsense runs deep with us (The hispanic community) as well, The darker you are, the less respect you get. It's amazing how the imagery you guys paint in. This guy thought I was white. What a walnut.

Based. Stick around here, we need more fellow retards of color.

Good one you got me

No, this is a legitimate invitation. We need you.

Nah it's cool, I fail to meet the requirements needed to fill the position


Tira Flecha you dumb cunt. 2 words.

joo wanna go hoff some lemong pledge under de bleachers bro

You still trying? Stay down Rock..

se me acavo mi PrEP y necessito gosarme ante que me muero dude

Google translate led you astray I'm afraid.

im dominican lol

Ooof I was giving you an out. Your spanish is shit, like Cardi b levels of awful.


You speak and think like a self-hating white woman.

Maybe whiteness really is a dysphemism for education.

Based and opioid pilled

/u/BLIZSeS what's it like to be a crybaby retard on the internet? i couldn't relate so i'm truly asking for your "lived experience" here, sweetie.

I wouldn’t know, I don’t throw hissyfits when people tell me not to be a racist.

Also, “ret*rd” is ableist as all fuck you snowflake.

I'm sorry sweetie, did I do a fascism? Is my literally Hitler routine triggering you? Imagine being so pathetic that even antifa says that you call everything fascism inappropriately.

Omg that's precious.

First of all, you post on alt-right subs, which even the ADL agrees is fascist, second of all, you’ve been on here sixteen days. You’re not only a fascist cunt, you’re a noob of a fascist cunt.

ohh shit the ADL 😭😭😭

a bunch of Jews whining about everything and subverting their host country. there's something we've never heard of before

Huh. Doesn’t sound fascist at all /s

Woah noticing Jews being Jews is fascist?!?! You know who must be the most fascist of all? Suffering Palestinians.

Huh. Doesn’t sound fascist at all /s

There's no need to use "/s" here because no one here is retarded

Antifas mad x24

Imagine being so pathetic that the only dirt you could dig up on me comes from months ago and all I had to do was click your profile.

Imagine being so pathetic that the only dirt you could dig up on me comes from months ago and all I had to do was click your profile.

ableist retard


im gay

No you’re not. I am. Don’t try to play me.


Stop denying his lived experience. u/SerbianWarCriminal_ likes to suck cock and there's nothing you can do about it.

Also, that’s not called ableism, it’s called homophobia.

10% of the population (gays) spread 80% of the AIDS and commit 50% of the child sexual abuse.

given these facts, explain why homophobia is a bad thing?

Those statistics are incorrect

They're too low?

Gay people reproduce by sexually abusing children

Don’t listen to them sweaty your beautiful just the way ur’re 😍😍😍 send bussy pls


This is incredible.

There is nothing wrong calling people retards, you retard.

Well yeah, those retards have been pretty clear about their no tolerance towards ableism.

This is why we need mayocide.