Based and school shootingpilled mayo does the unthinkable, redpills his classmates on white genocide in an actual classroom

1  2019-11-22 by SerbianWarCriminal_


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Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser. Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Based and school shootingpilled may... -,

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fucking idiots more desperate to be offended more than a heroin junkie in withdrawal trying to score drugs

from Profii

So let me get this straight. The birth rate has been declining since the boom(of course) the 90s, 2008, and today. And you think it was just a couple of headlines that told people to stop having kids? Teen pregnancy is way down too but you didn’t even bring that up. People aren’t having kids because they’re scared of the great flood that they don’t even give a shit about. It’s because they cannot afford them! Which is why you want to give money to married women. But notice after each fucking recession the birthrate dropped. I feel bad that your classmates have to sit through this ridiculous zionist bullshit. I guess after your family immigrated here we should close off the country. Don’t forget the land was stolen and now we make the bullshit rules. Its like stealing the whole entire monopoly board and not even letting the other players pick their piece. And you know who else said the same shit you did about culture, nationality, and how we cannot coexist with other humans. The christchurch shooter. Is that what you want? You literally sound like his manifesto end yourself or get some fucking interaction with people outside of your bubble for once.

to Profii sent just now

imagine having such severe fetal alcohol syndrome that you read a title in the third person referring to a "school shootingpilled mayo" and thought the person was referring to themselves. you are absolutely pathetic, and absolutely desperate for a chance to get offended at every waking moment. recreational offense taking is better and more addictive than heroin for your kind

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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Lol why do all white supremacists look inbred as fuck? Oh right that's because they are

map of global consanguinity

Project harder sweetie

Cope more bby

Not a cope when I’m right 🤨

Sounds like you need to take the fleshpill

using consanguinity when our entire genome is mapped out

next you’ll tell me skull shape determines your likelihood of being an sjw copecel

I just go straight to consanguinity when people talk about inbred cracker cousin fuckers

So eager to score some points on whitey that you’re ignoring the countless identical Arabs equally hurt by your bigotry.

Next school shooter lol

He brings up a good point. When the Japanese are replaced, where will we get our JAV and hentai from?