Time to #metoo DeuxCHADs

1  2019-11-24 by HardIsLife

I had a dream that I was taking a shower and the door wasn’t working. Guys in the DeuxCHAT took that as an opportunity to record me on their phones. I called them out and most of them put away their phones but one kept recording m! You know who you are 😒

Not only that when I was trying to cover up, they laughed and made sexual comments. This type of toxic masculinity should not be taken lightly. I say we expose these men and end their careers or do I have to wait until I have another dream where they do much worse things?


Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT

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I was just removed as a moderator, and it saddens me greatly to no longer be a member of the mod team. I'm a tall bearded burly man, and I ugly-cried about it into a pillow last night. Being removed as a mod has ripped my guts right out of me.


  1. Time to #metoo DeuxCHADs - archive.org, archive.today

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If it were anyone but you it'd be kinda hot.


How about no

Deuxchat is mean 😕 the called me ugly even though I'm actually really cute 😒

Awww who did this? I’ll slap them!

That one girl I forgot her username 😑

Touch my peepee

Nobody wants to touch anyone who does SQL


Sorry bro, back end only.

Even your subconscious is an attention whore

sorry, I just have a thing for azn chicks

shutup lawlz