DeuxChad triggers poorcels as they harvest free karma ๐Ÿ‘Œ

1  2019-11-25 by MrBufkin


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my cock is so fucking big that it weighs me down, i have scoliosis because of my extemely large penis. my cock is so unbelievably huge that if gravity stopped working iโ€™d still be on the ground


  1. DeuxChad triggers poorcels as they ... -,

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Hey there big boy ๐Ÿ˜‰

So racist of them to assume minorities are poor

You shouldnโ€™t fuck your childrenโ€™s lives by having them while poor

hate post


These people seem to breed like fucking rabbits, seriously. What are they expecting from this amount of children? They should get their own shit together, a child will only add to their issues.

Since these archive sites didn't get it. Can anyone tell me why removeddit was taken off snappy? I always find that one to work much better than the archive sites. u/justcool393

/u/Saycoss is actually a Deuxstacy

Gatekeeping foids from chaddom I expected better from you PB ๐Ÿ˜ก

Sorry ๐Ÿ˜ข. But segregation is necessary.

The Brazilian thief squeezer is on her way to have a word with u ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

Sounds like a good time to me ๐Ÿ˜†

I always love when redditors screech about 'more access to birth control and better sex ed'. No, thats not the problem, the problem is that poor people dont give a shit and even if you plastered sex ed on every retard tv channel they wouldnt stop having more equally dumb children who do the same. Same thing goes for birth control. Condoms are at every checkout at the local store where these retards get their cheap liquor, but they wont buy them because they could use the money to buy more 1$ wodka. And even if they were free they wouldnt take them because they dont care. Not to mention that many countries give you free money for children, which you can also grab and not spend on your children.