1 2019-11-25 by InterestedVoter2k16
1 AutoModerator 2019-11-25
Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT
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1 SnapshillBot 2019-11-25
homosexuals reproduce by raping kids
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 InterestedVoter2k16 2019-11-25
OP's 'husband' looks straight out of the beta male meme
OP's husband spent 1k on a pokemon item
(through powers of observation I'm willing to bet OP's husband works in tech)
OP and husband have been in an 'open' relationship for a while now
OP has posted on polyamory https://www.reddit.com/r/polyamory/comments/b6b217/what_do_you_think_is_important_for_people_to_know/ 'I may be giving a "Polyamory for Dummies" TED-type talk with a local Nerd Nite'
OP has short rainbow colored hair with nose ring
I can't stop laughing
1 wohSdooGAstI 2019-11-25
That entire profile is the most succinct and convincing argument against western society
1 Mexico_La_Country 2019-11-25
'I may be giving a "Polyamory for Dummies" TED-type talk with a local Nerd Nite'
The only reason why anyone in that group is pretending to be interested in her polyamorous "relationship" is because they're hoping to bang her.
1 AnnoyinTheGoyim 2019-11-25
Did you even bother looking at her pictures? I’m surprised anyone wants to bang that. But somehow she managed to get two people?
1 make_them_rage 2019-11-25
Lmao desperate virgins will bang anything
1 jewdanksdad 2019-11-25
She looks exactly how I would expect. None in submissions, any pics in her history of the bull?
1 AutoModerator 2019-11-25
Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-11-25
homosexuals reproduce by raping kids
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 InterestedVoter2k16 2019-11-25
OP's 'husband' looks straight out of the beta male meme
OP's husband spent 1k on a pokemon item
(through powers of observation I'm willing to bet OP's husband works in tech)
OP and husband have been in an 'open' relationship for a while now
OP has posted on polyamory https://www.reddit.com/r/polyamory/comments/b6b217/what_do_you_think_is_important_for_people_to_know/ 'I may be giving a "Polyamory for Dummies" TED-type talk with a local Nerd Nite'
OP has short rainbow colored hair with nose ring
I can't stop laughing
1 wohSdooGAstI 2019-11-25
That entire profile is the most succinct and convincing argument against western society
1 Mexico_La_Country 2019-11-25
The only reason why anyone in that group is pretending to be interested in her polyamorous "relationship" is because they're hoping to bang her.
1 AnnoyinTheGoyim 2019-11-25
Did you even bother looking at her pictures? I’m surprised anyone wants to bang that. But somehow she managed to get two people?
1 make_them_rage 2019-11-25
Lmao desperate virgins will bang anything
1 jewdanksdad 2019-11-25
She looks exactly how I would expect. None in submissions, any pics in her history of the bull?
1 AnnoyinTheGoyim 2019-11-25
1 jewdanksdad 2019-11-25