Pajeets take a stand against racist stereotypes by ganging up and shitting on someone in public over food

1  2019-11-26 by GOD_HATES_DORKS


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Indian food is really tasty though. I’m gonna side with them on this one. White people don’t know not to season their food.

Real Chinese food or do you mean Panda Express

Real one. I’m Chinese 🤦🏻‍♀️

sorry to hear

white people are the best cooks and always have been. cope harder

Indian food seasoning is the result of generations of research and was developed by the smartest minds India has to offer, specifically to cover up the smell of feces on the streets.

The smell is just horrific

Yea their food doesn't smell great either.

tom is on some midwestern "i like my food bland so stick an unsalted slab of meat and some potatoes into a pot of boiling water and eat it" shit

that's all you need though

maybe some soup with bread

yeah maybe if you're a gay redneck

Tom Nichols is an absolute smallbrain tho. I don't know how one can hate butter chicken with garlic naan.

Butter chicken is shit.

That’s why I love it. Because of my crippling scat fetish.

Don’t kinkshame me 😤💅

Indian food is great to me. But you can't just go cancelling a man because he said Indian food sucks after being asked to mention a controversial opinion.

Yeah I'd be starving too if my only options were famine and Indian food.