The Virgin MRA vs the Chad incel

1  2019-11-26 by DrunkenRecidivist


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This, but unironically.


  1. The Virgin MRA vs the Chad incel -,

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What was the image in your OP and the /r/MensRights/ thread? It's been removed now as well.

Dang I guess it got too spicy since it was on the front page. It was some tweet about a girl blackmailing a guy to stay in a relationship and the college not believing it because he was male or something like that.

That is a bit spicy. We must declare war with Femlandia immediately.

I'm siding with the incel on this one. r/MensRights is the most pussified sub on reddit. At least the male feminists have the balls to be sexual predators. Men's rights advocates are just whiny little bitches who are regularly getting beat up by little girls