The weeb offensive is slowly chipping away at the incel menace.

1  2019-11-27 by AI_WAIFU


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Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. The weeb offensive is slowly chippi... -,

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What’s with the correlation between alt rights and incels and weeaboos?

I dunno, what?


some alt right weeb fags got pissed at me a little while ago for pointing out that liking degenerate troon toons makes you worse than a soy boy. idk what their deal is.

alt right => weeb => troon


Looks like MasterLawlz did a good job cleaning up in there. I although I'm not entirely sure if he's a mod there 🤔

The more this goes on the less I'm convinced this isn't really you, u/MasterLawlz

By the way, you said you unbanned me but I still can't post and that makes me sad

MGTOW is about living without female parasitism. It is about healthy male living and the hope for a good future. It involves financial independence, mental health, exploration, craft, and all of the things that men are made for and that women.

This attachment to 2D images is a specific form of fetishism, one dedicated to masturbation and to distorted, non-human images in the vague shape of a woman. It is also about imagining a girlfriend’s personality and imagining a human relationship with this inanimate object, something which, while not as harmful as a live female, is not at all healthy. It is a distorted, sexualized fixation on pornographic an unrealistic images of the female body. This is, at best, perverse and sad.

u/AbstruseMurmurings maybe 2d isn't your thing but what about a perfect android sexbot waifu? Are you really going your own way so hard that you'd turn one of those down?

I think I am not being clear.

Sex, romance, love, etc, are human experiences; they require two humans, fully functional and willing adults.

Pretending that an inanimate object is a person because you cannot address your own emotions with maturity and sanity is a perverse reaction at best. This is not the behavior of a healthy adult living his life well on his own. It would be laughable if it were not so sad.

Masturbating to a cartoon of a child is not the purpose of this sub.