just got perm banned from /r/sino within 90 seconds

1  2019-11-28 by tractorsandranch

the ching chongs sure are working over time haha how much do you think they get payed


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More than you

god dammit


Tidbit, that 70s show begins in 1977, and aired in 1998.

We are now further from the original broadcast of That 70s Show than That 70s Show was from the period it took place in.

Your calculations are wrong because you did not factor in That 80s Show.

That 80s Show was rushed out too early to succeed in order to ride That 70s Show's momentum.

And predictably failed. It just proves the formula right -- we both know that would have killed in 2009.

That 70s show usually started in them smoking weed in their basement. How would that 90s show start?

Geez that's above my paygrade.

Probably the same, but with more videogames and references to beanie babies and furbies.

Just breakdancing, non-stop

Too retarded for even r/sino 🙄

I wonder if these people are aware that the only public opinion shift that comes from them appearing anywhere at all is a slight increase in favorability towards eugenics.


  1. just got perm banned from /r/sino w... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Damn, snappy going straight for the jugular these days.

You mad a lil

how much do you think they get payed

They do it for free