Daily weighing may be key to losing weight - just some food for thought for you enlightened skeptics who might have wondered if the "don't weigh yourself, it just makes you stress and be fat" meme was correct.

1  2019-11-28 by thowaway_throwaway


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"Alexa, schedule an extra dose of soy tomorrow. I'm feeling toxic." 🤒🤒🤒


  1. Daily weighing may be key to losing... - archive.org, archive.today

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Not being a metabolismlet and exercising and not eating 3 Big Macs a day helps too

Just don't be fat 🙄

Researchers examined the self-weighing patterns of 1,042 adults (78 percent male, 90 percent white, average age 47)

Geez, I can't think of anyone lower than a white male 47-year-old 🙄