let's get ready to rumble

1  2019-11-28 by pok8


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Nasty woman

Iā€™m in love šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜

with the coco

Could you help me arrange for this woman to beat me up as well?

She's fearful at first, but her stance is good and she's protecting herself. I'd assume she'd had some training (even though I doubt she ever competed or anything like that).

The guy either sucks, or he's fucking around too much. At no point (even when he raises his arms) does his protect his jaw, and he got what happened when you do that (even a beginner can easily get a lucky shot if you can't dodge and leave yourself wide open).

She definitely has taken a boxing lesson but ole boy needs to pop a lot faster no way that punch should drop you for that long

If she punches right (she's not a "fighter" seeing how she's scared but she might have learned good technique), and the dude is a fuckup with a pencil neck with zero muscle mass, and never took a punch in his life (especially if he was relaxed because he didn't expect that), a good shot to the chin will drop him.

Of course it requires the right angle, speed, and so on... but it's real easy for that to happen when the dude is wide open and thinking it's a joke.

The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.


  1. let's get ready to rumble - archive.org, archive.today

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