🥳🦃🗡️ Thanksgiving 2019 🗡️🦃🥳
1 2019-11-28 by SchnupfStaffel
My most beloved Amerifag Deuxcels,
As you may or may not have learned at your local shooting range, or "school", as people from lesser countries like to call it, we don't don't get to celebrate Annual Indigenous Slaughterfest aka Thanksgiving. To be fair, I'd also want to give my thanks if my ancestors killed a bunch of savages that only made it from mediocre buffalo hunters to world-class professional alcoholics.
In lack of killed savages to celebrate, we're unfortunately deprived of the happy-dappy family get-togethers that come along with the occasion.
This is where your job as DeuxRAMA ambassadors comes in!
Tell us your Thanksgiving story. Did uncle Hugh make you feel where he got his name from, again? Did Aunt Shelly embarrass everyone by saying a gaymer word? Most importantly, who mentioned Drumpf first and who ended up on which side of the CNN/Fox schism? But most importantly, spread your bussy love (maybe not literally) and tell us how it went!
1 AutoModerator 2019-11-28
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3 SnapshillBot 2019-11-28
Not racist, but isn't it possible that this is exactly what the filthy grasping Jews want us to think?
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1 NotchDidNothingWrong 2019-11-28
Aw don't feel left out. Plenty of the world has populations only there because they exterminated a previous people, a good chunk of which were only there because they did the same with an even more savage group before them. Hell sometimes the new guys are more savage in some respects.
1 MrBufkin 2019-11-28
It was really windy out and a lot of branches fell when we were out walking.