Rounding up Jews into forced labor camps for being Jewish is the same as arresting someone for jumping the border to mow lawns for 4$/hr

1  2019-12-01 by harrypotterdemocrat


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I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. Rounding up Jews into forced labor ... -,

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u/slippytoadstada OH MY GOD BRO! They are literally rounding up Mexicans for being Mexicans and all you are doing is resisting on reddit? Dude, you are literally living in Nazi Germany times! You've fantasizing about this for awhile now, time to act! What do we do? Should I post on reddit or twitter? Do you think if im the first to sperge out on trumps twitter we can turn the tides of battle? Do you know when they plan to start gassing the beaners for being brownscum?

My god, you are right. This has nothing to do with illegally crossing the border, and everything to do with being some time of foreigner, possibly brown!


lmao okay dumbass have fun circlejerking with the other racists

No seriously bro what is the plan? We need to stop hitler in his tracks lol

You don’t care whether they crossed the border or not as long as they’re brown and got ethnically cleansed. That’s the entire purpose of this excercise.

Yes for sure. Brown people are clearly lesser. YT makes up like 1/100th of the worlds population and got em all in chains lol.

White power hot shower faggot

If we aren’t able to compare things to Nazi Germany, we are making it more likely that it will happen again.

Is this true?

I mean think about it, by comparing something to something like the holocaust, you can stop it from continuing. And given that things like Trump’s camps were present in early Nazi Germany, it is one possibility for what may come of these camps.

lmao if you’re trying to roast me i must be doing something right

Border jumpers get 20-30 per hour in my area to mow lawns 😳

well i think they should be arrested,or st least deported you cant just go to a country and live there illegaly without paying taxes and stuff like that shits illegal,and you really cant call it racist i feel like everyone there illegal would get into prison but the only play next to usa where immigrants come from is mexico

Unlike Donald Trump, they are taxpayers. Also, just try managing a prison population of over 10 million, with millions under the age of 10. Please be my guest with your brilliant policy.

in the title it said tho that they are illegals

Why are you holding babies in prison? What went wrong with you in your life that you think that’s a normal and acceptable practice?