I accidentally put a local Chinaman in a state of panic and make him think I'm stalking him, 41 replies in 3 hours

1  2019-12-02 by SerbianWarCriminal_


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wow this faggot did something funny for once 👌👌😄


  1. I accidentally put a local Chinaman... - archive.org, archive.today

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amazing how accurate a random bot is

Almost had a stroke reading that comment chain

Dude (he called you) nigger lmao


This guy is schizoeffective which is schizophrenia but you get the bonus of a mood disorder on top. He's always going on random unironic tangents about the local Irish, Portugese, Dominicans(he constantly brings up a convenience store in Boston and the fact that they use moneygram there), and of course the Jews(local and globally).

41 replies in 3 hours and he usually doesn't reply half the time. I set him off when I mentioned his cousin in Guanghzou who is a lawyer and he thought I was stalking him, when he specifically told me this in one of his rants and doesn't remember. I have caused a schizophrenic to have a mental breakdown previously but that was on purpose after a few weeks of effort.


👍🏾😴 u came @ me first; why you start shit with me; no mental breakdown bro; nice bait

Wtf is this sub anyways man; at least I do shit out in the open; I’m chillin like a villain. What’s Gucci Mane with you; you’re the one that trails me and keeps calling me “Chang” now you want to draw me into your cult subreddit; here I am! 🥺

Is this your Gucci Gang? 🥺😓

I have superior information processing as per my neuropsych eval; thx probably geniusIQ level unlike your ??? Downtrodden ass

Yea man back in Boston for a week after nyc for a week; and I gotta deal with ur ass here; guess I gotta go back to nyc; nobody cares that you don’t live in Boston and that you’ve never been to the Pour House or Cheers; guess I gotta go back to nyc to keep “schizoaffective” busy because of dumb Judeo-wAsP nimby blue blood Puritan Brooks Brothers Protestant anti-hedonist values here closing shit at 6PM when nobody goes to church anymore as they turn them into luxury condos literally

So let me get this straight you’ve been trailing me holding your personal animosity against me calling me “chang” (a Korean name) without any warrant or substantiation; you trigger-baited me in my own submission thread; then want to publicly shame me in your cult niche subreddit and the spotlight me in /r/gangstalking ; and now here I am trying to clarify your intent; which seems to be abscond into some psychosexual repressed black-hole

Yeah no wonder you’re a repressed faggot from New Jersey who had to subsist with the Bowery Mission until you stumbled here in Dorch/Boston; because you’re too insecure to come out as a true faggot in NYC-tri-state area; so you live a SJW life on Reddit trying to attack everything and anything you see as systematically oppressive. Who’s the old Korean American lady who supported SJW causes with blacks in Michigan. Maybe you’ll be the gay faggot SJW supporter of her eventually.

Here's a sneak peek of /r/Gangstalking using the top posts of the year!

#1: this sub is so toxic for people with delusions
#2: Gangstalking does not exist
#3: It be like that | 24 comments

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I don't know why you have to pretend that you don't know that Chang isn't a Chinese name, I did study Korean I know the difference. Chang.

Boston is a progressively more safer space than NYC and for not being too close to home. As well as Reddit where you project your repressed psychosexual abused trauma by your ardent Korean Christian bible-thumping holier-with-God immigrant daddy.

You really brought a lot of attention to yourself buddy.

You really brought a lot of attention to yourself buddy.

i almost dropped my baby reading this

this is good drama farming. low effort posting with high drama yields. 7/10