For the uninitiated, there was an urban legend in the UK called Purple Aki for decades about a African man who went around sexually assaulting young men, until the internet came along and it was proven to be true.

1  2019-12-02 by SerbianWarCriminal_

He got his name because he's so black he's purple, he would go up to muscular young men and talk to them about lifting, and then eventually start groping them and feeling their muscles. Either he doesn't realize or doesn't care that they are too afraid to fight him back, but he definitely got off on it which is based.

Count Dankula Dramastani version:

BBC version:


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Purple Ali once approached me outside a pub in Greater Manchester. He stopped me as I was leaving to catch the bus home and said he recognised me from the gym. I responded that I don't go to the gym that often, and he said I must be lying because there's no way my arms could be so muscular if I wasn't a regular. He then started asking more questions, about how much I could lift and how wide my arms were, before he eventually popped the question: "Can I give them a feel?"

Maybe it's because of the alcohol or maybe because I was scared he would do something to me if I didn't oblige, but either way I agreed and he lead me further into the alley behind the pub so he could give my muscles a squeeze. My experience that night was harrowing and he did things I still can't even bring myself to repeat. When I finally left that alleyway an hour later, I knew I was destined to become an Internet forum moderator.