A trans activist named "The Royal Majesty" speaks to the city council

1  2019-12-06 by make_reddit_great


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Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. A trans activist named "The Royal M... - archive.org, archive.today

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yes that's what god said to the doctors in the hospital, how dare you

Retards do be transitioning doe

Andy Ngo is a faggot.

Go seethe about it on chapo fagunist

why seeth when a (((cement milkshake))) will do the trick

implying chapocels leave their house

All that real estate, rent free 💆🏻‍♂️

Are we talking about Andy Ngo’s house in your head?

Did you forget we are in a Ngo thread during your foaming at the mouth at my post history?

I didn’t even need to look at your post history to know how retarded you are. Your original post outs you as a chapotard. No one else knows or cares who Andy ngo is.

Pretending you’re illiterate to own the chapotards

Nigga a preschooler could dunk on chapotards.

Yet here you are, seething in my replies

I’ll tell you h-what, I’ll teach you how to read a youtube page if you show me which chapotard gave you terminal internet brain

It amazes me that your kind manages to actually be worse than average reddit. Is it just something about being the worst kind of leftoid that makes it impossible to be entertaining?

speaking in meta

you’re not even trying to hide the cope anymore

not entertained? find a hobby friend, because this whole posting thing isn’t working out for you


If you’re going to use meme speak at least use it right.

now you’re just projecting sweaty. chapos should be easy to dunk on yet here you are bitching about them instead


telling you to fuck off

It’s reddit, what’s the difference?

Read nigga

I did my kneegrow, thanks for the laughs

Someone put that poor creature out of its misery :(

What’s the point of gender if no one but a doctor will get within 10 feet of your genitals?