"Suspected Campaign from Russia on Reddit" - the admins don't like document leaks when they target the wrong politicians

1  2019-12-07 by UnalignedRando


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Nice try Kremlin filth.

I will never be with a female who defecates. The whole reason my last girlfriend and I split was because I found out she did, in fact, poop.


  1. "Suspected Campaign from Russia on ... - archive.org, archive.today

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Admins forgot to lockdown one of the Russian trolls subreddit /r/ukosint. Make sure to send fellow comrades your condolences before it’s too late.

All I want to know why the fuck someone is gifting platinum to these comments. How much soy do they drink, seriously.

Admins can do it for free.

Well, there are blatant campaigns from US, Israeli, and Chinese interests on this website so how is this different? I guess the scary and all powerful Russians are different. Russia is a weak piece of shit compared to the rest of the world powers. Worry about China, Israel, and the CIA.

so how is this different?

Because russians have tails.

Worry about China, Israel, and the CIA.

Darling, did you forget to take your meds?

No, I make sure I always have my crack.

Watch out, maybe the CIA laced it! Find a new crack dealer, stay safe fam

maybe the CIA laced it

CIA are the crack experts. If anything they laced it to make it more potent.

Is this a whinepost?

Russia is only an "enemy" out of habit. We should ally with Russia to eternally BTFO China and the gayer European countries like Germany.

Domestic ((((new yorkers)))) and WASP Ivy League homosexuals control most media in the US: I sleep