Should we Muslims ally with Christians to take down these disgusting creatures?

1  2019-12-08 by SunnyFourZero


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lol imagine crying after a christian calls you a satan worshiper

Lmao I scrolled all the way to the bottom because I knew they’d be crying. Never fails 😂



Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Should we Muslims ally with Christi... -,

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The Hole Qur'an is very clear about this. Christianity is a religion of the book, so they may live as dhimmis but must pay extra taxes until they convert (and give up their foreskins). 9:5 however orders us to "fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them", inshallah!

I am charging you 80 dinar for this fatwa.

My apologies brother, as I am a staunch anarcho-primitivist I never read the Quran, instead it was explained to me through tribal song. The performer must have glossed over that part.

fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them"

Negative. Hellenic pagan sharia and Nordic pagan sharia are absolutely necessary components of the future.

World record setting amounts of fragility. I'm not saying this individual in particular believes this, but whenever you have some dumbass talking tough and being nonchalant and condescending(PLeAse mANsplaIn soME mOrE) to you, that's probably how fragile they are in the inside and are overcompensating.

Yes. The West should adopt the precepts of Islamic sharia as regards women and liberals, and Islam should accede to the West's superior taste in music, art, beards, bathing suits, alcohol and not fucking goats or little boys.

I will work with my muslim brothers to exterminate the atheist menace

Creative writing assignment #588548

Islam is right about atheists.