Foid solo travels to Middle East and gets sexually assaulted. She gets y'alled and called a bigot for saying they were Muslims.

1  2019-12-09 by Communist_Bear88


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  1. Foid solo travels to Middle East an... -,

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You got sexually assaulted because you’re racist 💅🏾

Victim blaming

Imagine removing and locking a post where someone got sexually assaulted because "won't someone think of the muzzies"

There are many Christians, atheists, and Jews living in Egypt you ignorant bigot- men who sexually harass women are assholes and it has nothing to do with religion.

Major mental gymnastics

If mental gymnastics were an olympic sport whoever said this would take gold

There are literally fewer than 20 Jews in Egypt.

Then again Egypt made jews.

Kicked out of every cradle of civilization and its never their fault?

Actually Egypt wanted to keep them, the jews left on their own.

My people are a literal plague, pharaoh. You will be glad to let us leave.

But if they hadn't left in the first place we wouldn't have jews.

Truly, the original sin.

clap lets clap make clap that clap number clap zero.

Looks like they allowed her to repost it carefully avoiding any mention of Muslims.

Also, that sub is full of solo foids complaining about harassment in Muslim countries. Is nobody capable of reading travel advisories?

Travel advisories are victim blaming.

solo foids complaining about harassment in Muslim countries


who cares


Based and Islam-pilled. Mashallah

u/peachykeenz thank you for sticking up for the fine religion that is Islam. May our Egyptian brothers keep the women as third class citizens under the heel of our boot forever, praise Allah.

u/peachykeenz is either a fat Westerner who's never left the relative safety of the western world, or a Middle Eastern dude trying to set up a honeypot to lure a pipeline of dumb white women to his neighborhood.

No harassing pings

clean it up 😏😏😏


🧹🧽🧼👨‍🔧CLEAN IT UP👩‍🔧🧼🧽🧹

Y'all can't behave!


Broke: cutting yourself for attention Woke: false rape charges for attention Bespoke: really getting raped for attention

Based Muslims

They are Egyptians. So, call them by their names. I don’t know why you mentioned Muslims. So, If someone got sexually harassed in Europe. We gonna say oh, Christian men?

If you get sexually assaulted in the street in Europe it's also probably a muslim.


If you're lucky.

Yes. There's also gyppos. If possible much less hygienic than muslims.

implying u/peachykeenz has been anywhere outside of her retarded liberal american bubble

Pls no harassing pings

Based female hotel staff

Business idea: Middle Eastern travel business for c'troons

Thot status: patrolled.