Zoomers gone

1  2019-12-09 by TiberiousGracci


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Hate is just a word.

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  1. Zoomers gone - archive.org, archive.today

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It was great drama while it lasted. Apparently the zoomers are now mass messaging AHS users with spaceshit spoilers in retaliation. Just seems like cope to me.

Its cope but that's still pretty funny to me. You deserve to get spoilers if u care about capeshit

From what I got it seems leaks were correct. Fucking hell, Disney didn't even try

We also doxed Bardfinn

he’s been doxxed over a dozen times by now

Oxycontin-Americans: Corporations are my mother and father, and it's tyranny to suggest that they shouldn't be allowed to do anything, all the way up to raping your mother

Also Oxycontin-Americans: My human rights are being violated because this private corporation won't let call people niggers on their private property that they pay for. I need an armed agent of the state to force them to host my nigger thesis at the point of a gun!!

We prefer the term fentanoids.

Indeed, capitalism is as destructive an agent of (((globalist degenerates))) as communism is. That is why we must always have the Third Way.


Tradcels btfo with no hope for recovery