capeshitter COPE

1  2019-12-09 by Sea_Saf3


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Posting spoilers. Edgy.

Darth Vader is Luke's father.

That’s not true. That’s impossible.


cope. you talk like a SRDine. leave these lands immediately.

You're not funny, you're not clever, and no matter how much or how often you tell yourself otherwise, making other people angry has absolutely no value whatsoever. Even the enjoyment is fleeting; you know that. The rush you get never lasts. You spend your days being shocking for the sake of it, rolling in deeper and more wretched sewage like it's a race to the bottom of every ladder in the universe, and for what? You're not special. You're not in an exclusive club of the clued-in and the free-thinking. You are wearing a thin mask consisting of edgy memes, shock value and faux nihilism that you've convinced yourself is good enough to call a personality, that you think will cover up the nothing behind it. You're wrong. Step back, reflect, admit your faults and grow up.

Brave statement, newfriend.

if you don't know me you're a newfriend


What's your main?

bro get over yourself



Kylo Ren dies and Rey is related to Palpatine.


:) Enjoy your pathetic life

They always have to put the smiley.

oh you sweet summer child :) i have sex sweetie :)

I had someone hop on literally 5 alt accounts, and start dogpiling me with that weird shit. All over me saying a video game's graphics were downgraded.

Checked their post history, and they had been doing the same thing for years across tons of subs.

That experience made me seriously question redditors. Like, these people have something wrong with them. They make alts to back themselves up.

Were you also banned for explaining how Leia dies along with Lando, c3po, and r2d2 when the Millennium Falcon gets blown up, Rey is Sheev's granddaughter, the Sheev who died in ROTJ was a clone, "real" Sheev kills Kylo who turned to the light side prior. Finn and Jannah kill Pryde and take out General Pryde’s flagship. Sheev says “Execute Order 67” through a hologram. The Sith Armada of Star Destroyers mounted with Death Star cannons arises from the water. Sheev yeets most of the Resistance Fleet. Real Sheev gets killed by Rey. Rey then shoots a torrent of lightning into the sky and disables the rest of the Sith Armada. The remaining Resistance ships finish them off. Victory ensues, and everyone cheers for Rey.

oh you sweet summer child

Who talks like a SRDine?

>not seething


I'm tired of this fucking meme. Yes, gamers are hated by society for having no life, while the average person takes orders from the TV 4 hours per day. Gamers are hated on reddit, for wanting our moneys worth. Reddit is super liberal, until a gamer stands up to a corporation. Then it's oh that virgin gamer is upset that the female body is now covered. No, I appreciate art, culture, and the female body. The gamers rise up meme is hate speech against people with a video game hobby. Should we slut shame, or shame an alcoholic? No? Then STOP this gamers rise up nonsense.


  1. capeshitter COPE -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Good job OP!

/u/mindofshadow How does it feel having your entire meaning of life removed by people posting spoilers for big budget hollywood garbage intended for children? Are you going to cry into your funko pops, manchild? Maybe jack off to porn for the 20th time today before binging on video games?

Too aggressive, he'll just feel smug

Y’all can’t pinghave

are you saying i have to be nice when i ping? or what's the policy?

The policy is whatever doesn't piss the Reddit admins off lol. Basically no pings that insult anyone.

When your ping is reported, besides the subreddit jannies, the admins can also see the report. Sometimes they take action.


Rey’s lightsaber is yellow


based and piss pilled

haha does friggin THANOS run that sub or WHAT!!!!!!!


One of the new subs is /r/ReyKillzPalpatine/ which AHS will have to post to highlight the zoomers' behaviour lmao.