Insane lolcow who's the "permanent chief of the shadow confederation" will kill himself unless asian grill dates him

1  2019-12-10 by TiberiousGracci


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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. Insane lolcow who's the "permanent ... -,

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Is this what schizophrenia looks like or is this drug-induced psychosis?

Nah this is a "boys will be boys" thing.

itโ€™s the final form of youtube/twitch brain

Twitch girls will be the destruction of the world

No e-girls.

Whoโ€™s got the clip?

NO ๐Ÿ‘ E-GIRLS. ๐Ÿ‘


Every foid needs a man like this

The male sex and its consequences have been a disaster for humanity

I watched this entire video, comedy gold

TFW white chad has to come in for security. It sucks that reddit banned Ice entirely from this site, its bizarre. Easily the most dramatic live streamer.

Peak moid entitlement smh


She has until the end of this year to decide to do so, and if she doesn't, then I've decided from that point forward I want to kill myself and I'll be going into complete isolation to intensely meditate all day using quantum energy harvesting meditation techniques in preparation of single-handedly destroying the entire world before ultimately ending my own life.

How will he destroy the world? The mad lad

By harnessing quantum energy and bidirectional apprehension and some other bullshit

Is there any way I can donate to his patreon to speed this process up