In a forbidden love story for the ages, Mayo Pete successful swoons daddy. Will daddy end up heartbroken and betrayed? Can daddy really win Wisconsin? Will Pete ever grow back his beard finally? Stay tuned, as the saga of 2020 has only begun.

1  2019-12-11 by demotecontrol


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I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check.


  1. In a forbidden love story for the a... -,

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Pete is hot but so bland. I'd like the first gay president to be super flamboyant with a sharp wit and lots of sass. Like Oscar Wilde

If I had an EM like him, I would never have left 😍

Pete is a top and not a bottom. He can get a sassy bottom trans woman for VP.

That dude was probably in the CIA and is openly and blatantly corrupt, grew up privileged and looks down on and hates poor people, does not give a single fuck about black people and has actively worked to make minority lives shittier and that was only as a small town mayor, which he couldn't finish a single term without extreme corruption and racism. If he wasn't gay and DJT wasn't running again he would be the perfect republican candidate.

Imagine what kind of potential you don't even wait to graduate the seminary without being caught fucking children, that's Vatican City management material right there