Statistics of Asians’ openness to dating “a foreigner”. To no surprise, even the pictures are all white people and Thailand ranks the highest.

1  2019-12-12 by HardIsLife


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  1. Statistics of Asians’ openness to d... -,

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you post shit about this so much because you secretly want BWC

just admit it

I like ethical 100% Dark Chocolate 🍫

White men aren’t your fetish!

As a white man with yellow fever, God bless them.

Lmao imagine having a lower income than an Indonesian foid 🤣

I actually know one who makes like US$6000 a month, sweaty 🤭 how much do you make?

A month >14k rn

😱😱 I accept paypal

I only mail order from first world countries sorry honey.


A couple of those dudes look like south americans or mexicans or something

Aren’t they white or are you just being racist about it? 😒

White hispanic is a whole other thing. That one scuzzy looking guy is too brown to even be considered a white hispanic. Even the light skinned Mexicans are racist towards the dark skinned ones. You've got a lot to learn.

And people say Asians are the colorists 🤭 look at you going down HARD on skin color.

I'm just saying that's how it is yo. Ask guero_alto. That means the "tall white guy". He's obviously proud to be one of those top-tier hispanics as opposed to one of those ditch-digging jungle hispanics. How do you know those dudes even identify as white? (I mean I'm sure the two white guys do but those other two might not).

He’s annoying most of the time.