How to pronounce “Bussy” in different languages

1  2019-12-15 by HardIsLife


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Then, I hit the mark.

You absolute numbskull, you bumbling idiot, none of the constant dribble that has came out of the word spewer you call a mouth has made any sense in the slightest. I hate you and everything you stand for, you fucking devolved orangutan wasting everyones time. Instead of constantly spewing nonsense, pick up a book and learn something, you IDIOT. I have never met someone that's as much as an absolute CRETIN as you. You are a childish and idiotic excuse for a human, you absolute fucking idiotic, brainless, believes everything people tell you, BUFFOON.


  1. How to pronounce “Bussy” in differe... -,

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See even Snappy knows the importance of proper pronunciation.

Deux is pronounced like "doo" btw. I have no idea what you were drunkenly saying in your video yesterday but it was even more wrong than how that Turkish guy pronounced it.

What? I didn’t say Deux in this video at all 🤔 I was saying Oui.

No in your drunken rant video from yesterday. You say that you are "the most active user on deuxrama" but you pronounce it like "dress-rama" or "drex-rama" or something like that. The fucking X is silent. It's french so you have to pronounce it like you have a giant stick up your ass.

Oh, yeah. I know it’s wrong but then, I had to ask myself, “should I really care about how the French pronounces it?

You should. It's only a French word. If you aren't pronouncing it right you are just speaking gibberish.

If you are speaking French you are speaking gibberish.

What are you, my teacher? 😤

I'm just trying to help you out sis. One day the word deux is going to come up in normal conversation. It will be on a menu at a nice restaurant or something and you will say "ducks" and everyone will be like "wut?" and then you'll say "dronks" and everyone will realize you are trying to say "deux" and laugh and be like "lol omg what rice paddy did this peasant bitch just crawl out of?" and you'll look like an IDIOT.

Yes, sir! I will practice.

Doo Doo Doo Doo

I think the French sound like retards but you've got to make sure you say it like you are taking a shit. It's like a cross between "doo" and "duh".

So, you’re saying next time I make a video, I’d better be on a toilet constipated?

If you're going to be speaking any French that would probably help

Based and can't speak french-pilled.

It's not "doo", the "eux" is pronounced the same way you'd pronounce the letter "e" in French

Yes if you were to actually read on before you write stupid shit I say it's not exactly like doo but I'm trying to help her out phonetically here.

the same way you'd pronounce the letter "e" in French

Which is how motherfucker? Where's your phonetics you no-help stuck-up froggy retard?

Just copy the average sound that comes out of your drooling mouth when you try to understand basic linguistics and you'll have the phonetics you mong

Yet you can't write it down so you're still no help. Some linguist you are. Go back to eating baguettes and sniffing your own farts professor.

Imagine not being proud of your culture's unmatched smugness

Imagineposting is definitely the epitome of unfunny smugposting. I think SRD might have a home for you.

SRD's smugposting is cultural appropriation

a culture that thinks Jerry Lewis was funny

Seems about right for SRD

Those are the disgusting true French, I share only parts of the language with them

Quebecois are quite possibly the worst people on the planet and I'm including radical islamists and somali refugees in that assessment. They make regular canadians look cool. I can't believe the rest of canada hasn't forced you people to secede just to get rid of you.

Nobody hates Quebecers more than Quebecers, tabarnac

I can see why. The only thing Canadians have going for them is being folksy and polite. Quebec manages to combine the lameness of Canada with the rudeness of France. Truly repulsive

If you think Quebec is the equivalent of SRD you haven't been to the rest of Canada

I don't think they're equivalent. Quebec is far worse

Enjoy visiting any university in Ontario

As if I would set foot anywhere but BC


They're better than the french.

هم أفضل من الفرنسيين

I'm pretty sure all of canada is overrun by terrorists at this point. There are probably rapeville no-go zones in your backyard.

BC at least has beautiful scenery and nice cities. The whole country is a frozen wasteland but BC at least has some good mountains to ski.

You are right about SRD being equivalent to Canada. They are pathetically lame but mild and inoffensive. Quebec on the other hand is pathetically lame and also a bunch of total dicks. They have nothing interesting there or are of any cultural relevance but they're pretentious assholes who think they're cool because they speak french... french, one of the gayest languages around. Second in gayness only to Castillian Spanish. A french accent sounds like you are getting pounded in the ass by a huge cock while you are trying to speak. A Castillian accent sounds like you are getting pounded in the ass by a huge cock while you are trying to speak and you're also loving every inch of it.

Yeah all we have is hockey and we don't really even have that anymore. Maybe poutine too.

Probably just going to take the secluded Alberta mountain pill

A suit made of musky beaver pelts probably still wouldn't be able to drown out the stink from all the cologne you bathe in frenchie

May you have vivid nightmares of Bonhomme Carnaval infiltrating your bussy for your remaining days.

I bet you just hang out in BC to feel tall

I can just hang out with all the Mexicans here in America to feel tall.

Fairly certain it's only Mexicans in America

It's Mexicans, Nazis, and Mexican Nazis