Troidsplaining transphobia

1  2019-12-15 by Goes_Down_on_Women


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Aside from the rare exception in tragic cases of surgeon error they're indistinguishable these days.

This is next level cope

The fact that people actually believe that is beyond me. And they call it 'trans acceptance', not brainwashing lol

Literal gaslighting or whatever the hell else they call it

I’ve slept with multiple post-op transwomen, my most recent ex was post-op as well

You can absolutely fucking tell, it feels completely different. The only way someone wouldn’t be able to tell is if they’d never experienced real gussy before

I’ve slept with multiple post-op transwomen



The many many pre-op cocks I’ve sucked tasted much gayer

This is why we need Islam.


  1. Troidsplaining transphobia -,

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Have you ever heard of Iran?


Dating transmen is exactly the same as dating cis men. Both have toxic masculinity

I.e. neither wants to date you, not even trans men?

Except it has happened and does happen allot. Some die happily married without every finding out. It's literally part of standard trans 101 history that is how trans women survived in the 50's when surgery became a thing.


it's not transphobic to not want to date trans people...


(but it totally is)

Trannys are retarded

That's because trans women are women.

The whole thing turns around on itself

Centrism proven to be the One True WayTM once again!

Not wanting to date trans people categorically is transphobic

I don’t even know what to say. I only like cis women. Why is this a controversial opinion in 2019

I don’t wish any harm on trans people but I’m just not into them. How am I a bigot for that

I do not want to to fuck neo-gussy. Neo-gussy and gussy are not the same. These people can die mad about it.

you don’t have to?