two words before you read this blogpost: crusty panties

1  2019-12-15 by pok8


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Oh molly knows it is wrong and unacceptable, otherwise he wouldn't have lied and done it behind their backs. [-116]

She. [+39]

Knew someone would come and force shit on me. Nope, can't force me to say it and I won't say it. Earn my respect and then I'll say it, molly doesn't deserve my respect [-176]

I'm sorry that you don't have basic human decency [+62]

Peak reddit

PEAK reddit is the entire OP being crafted by an agendaposter with too much time on his hands

Where they fuck did she see the tranny community as 'supportive and wonderful' lmao. The fact that she has to include that part shows how wonderful that community is

fucking classic

"lots of girlfriends" lol

How does a 42yo mom of two waltz in to reddit and immediately discover r/amitheasshole? she says it's her first time on reddit, so why didn't she start with r/relationship_advice? she also seems to be familiar with reddit lingo like "faux pas" and "let's call her Lisa" and "aita". you smell what I'm cooking?

reddit lingo

faux pas

Is it some kind of inner joke?

it's a phrase that's used a lot in these type of feedback subs. people say that to cut down on the mean replies that they know they will get.

How does a 42yo mom of two waltz in to reddit and immediately discover r/amitheasshole?


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


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