my name HardIsLife me love deux long time

1  2019-12-16 by SaltOverPlow


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  1. my name HardIsLife me love deux lon... -,

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credit to this guy for the second audio

i already linked that

yeah, sorry. Who is the first person's voice from?

hardislife from her video

I was wondering why it sounded so much like her.

it's the OP video from the thread that vocaroo was posted in lol

Yeah I'm an idiot lol. I didn't watch the video far enough.

I feel betrayed 😔

Shut up

That's not a pic of lawlz

It's his Asian persona

Drinking 8 glasses of water a day is very important.

I said no dox!!! 🥺

I genuinely admire how easily you’re able to rouse the tards here

I mean they do hang out here. So..

What video editor you use by the way?