Aren’t the Mayos living in Asia and teaching English for a living just failures?

1  2019-12-18 by HardIsLife

I mean if you had decent education, you could basically teach your mother tongue anywhere with little to no effort.

It’s basically getting paid for being born in a country that speaks English.

The bar is sooooo low.

Now this is the prime example of white privilege. People in rural areas think highly of Mayos and teachers. Mayo English teachers basically get worshipped for knowing how to speak their mother tongue. Jeez, Louise!



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I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. Aren’t the Mayos living in Asia and... -,

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Now this is the prime example of white privilege. People in rural areas think highly of Mayos and teachers. Mayo English teachers basically get worshipped for knowing how to speak their mother tongue. Jeez, Louise!

You literally answered your own question roasting asian rurals half brain. Plus the food is cheaper and better

You are kind of selling this pretty hard. Theoretically, how many teenage brides do you think I could collect for doing a two or three year tour?


I think its cool right? What's the age of consent there? 10?

No, many of them are also pedos.

It's easy money. It's like FOIDs and sex work. Better than Walmart or being a barista.

There's a crazy troll guy who regularly posts to /r/MensRights; they've banned him repeatedly but he keeps making new accounts. He's an EFL teacher in SE Asia but he know a lot about US law and apparently he's a disgraced US attorney or some-such who was disbarred for some wrongdoing. He's a total rocket though; when he found out I'm from Scotland he started banging on about my apparently dismal prospects of snagging an oriental mail order bride and taking her back to live in my "council flat"!! Totally out of nowhere. IIRC he's circumcised and will go right off the deep end if you criticise circumcision. He's clearly an alcoholic and I was told (by PM) that he regularly goes into work drunk. If you look at his posting history it's pretty obvious he's getting more and more loaded as posting sessions go on. One to watch out for.

Ping him

Would that I could, but as I recall he constantly changes his accounts.

banging sideways vagina

Living life on Ascended Mode. Fucking genius.

Well you still need a degree and a PGCE to actually teach in schools, even as NETs. Not that different from local teachers tbh. Mayos without any qualifications larping as "teachers" in tutorial centers on the other hand...

Now this is the prime example of white privilege.

Yeah, that's the whole point of conquering the planet, you retard.

One of my friends likes to say that “white people love to feel good about themselves by feeling bad about being white.” He’s right. For a lot of white people — especially academic types — nothing makes them feel more virtuous than apologizing for being white.

You see, it automatically makes you a good white person if you apologize for the sins of other white people who, unlike yourself, are bad, racist white people. The trouble is, there aren’t enough of those bad white people to account for how awful things are for blacks. Did Richard Nixon really somehow make black people go out and shoot each other? Do Tea Partiers force black teenagers to get pregnant?

That’s too irrational for even the most crazed liberals, so that’s why they invented “institutional racism.” That’s how you explain black — and now Hispanic — failure when you can’t point to real, live, breathing, drooling white people who are trampling on blacks. Institutions somehow keep down the non-whites.

But institutional racism isn’t satisfying. You can’t feel genuinely bad about being white if the problem is institutions. That’s too abstract.

Thank goodness, back in 1988, a woman named Peggy McIntosh discovered a far more satisfying and personal way to feel bad about being white. It’s called “white privilege” or “white skin privilege.” What makes “white privilege” so attractive is that it’s personal. All white people have it. At the same time, it’s not like admitting you’re a racist — that would be just too awful. White privilege happens to you passively, whether you know it or not, so it’s not even really your fault. But admitting that you have it and, of course, feeling bad about it, means you are a very sensitive, very good white person.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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This is a quote from Jared Taylor a white nationalist.

Thanks for the follow up. Jared is a very bright guy and his comment makes a lot of sense. Most white privilege is due to high white GPAs, high white SAT scores, low white crime rates, low white high school drop out rates, low white truancy rates, lower rate of white welfare use, low amounts of white graffiti, and lower number of fatherless white families.