Don't fuck with my mf president.

1  2019-12-18 by HomosexualAnalSex


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You're not a femboy, you're a sissy slut with a god complex, go back to your dildos and your fantasies you fat fuck, and leave me alone.


  1. Don't fuck with my mf president. -,

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Trump should make this guy Secretary of Defense.

How long until rightoids unironically use him as their token black guy

Token, hell. I'm applying to be this crazy motherfucker's campaign manager.

I can relate to him and his vision

I thought there were multiple black people like that.

Nope, I think that’s the only one


There's a popular coon(obviously paid) that i keep seeing show up on the front page of my youtube page, he's that guy with that porn lighting where it's a circle light and all that shit. Shucking and jiving about the "democrats losing their mind" impeaching a man for crimes he admitted to, getting really into it parroting all types of lies about the country being united against impeachment and repeating all the talking points. An Incest-American really gets off to having tokens tell them how not racist they are, to the point where it becomes an elaborate ritual where a bunch of white people will jack themselves off with shit like #blacks4trump with few or 0 black people present, so cringey and weird.

The only thing sadder than this is the self-loathing black people who will do anything for the attention of white people. I can imagine that these are usually the people who make these types of videos.

dude ur tripping, they get paid to do this shit. not your average small time coons like Anthony Brian Logan or Jesse Lee Peterson, but all that Coondace Owens and those 2 coonettes I can't remember the name of get paid by groups funded by billionaires to tap dance for white people.

Of course they get paid. Candace Owens was a liberal (iirc) before she even got popular and even when she was asked about why she flipped she just said that "she just woke up". I knew it was shit from the start but of course the people who liked her were just too busy masturbating to their own egos.

has a white anime avatar.

This is either epic satire, this guy is everything liberals imagine black conservatives to be.

black people love anime dude this isn't new

Yeah but that one is white af.