Reminder: Wh*te wømen only USE you to get closer to what they really want: Dogs. Beware, fellow Kings. Don’t👏Get👏Doggy👏Cucked👏

1  2019-12-19 by yeetsaucepeteross


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Cool story, bro


  1. Reminder: Wh*te wømen only USE you ... -,

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Jewdog checking it 🐶

she's got her sweat pants pulled up to her neck?

6XL sweatpants so she can fit a golden retriever in there

bitches be trippin

ummmmms sweaty

Stop calling people on this sub Kings you know that’s not who subs here

Okay jank king Lmao

Thank you for cooperating

if you aint a nine or rich, she'd rather be a canine bitch