Viper - You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack

1  2019-12-22 by SerbianWarCriminal_


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🤓🤓 heres an argument 4 u bud: both sides r massive faggots 👌😂[1][2]


  1. True (2016)

  2. Fact (1981)

lmao @ u 👈👈👈 You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in


  1. Viper - You'll Cowards Don't Even S... -,

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This song may not make sense to those of you who don't love DXM as much as I do, and if you don't, try some. Then this style of music will make you feel right at home. Viper made this song after being jumped into his local bloods set, and they showed him the ins and outs of manufacturing and distributing crack cocaine. Most importantly, the practice of always consuming your illicit drugs before you sell them as a form of quality assurance, hence the title. Viper is still promoting the smoking of crack cocaine in 2019 as evidenced by the song "The Chinese ain't do Tiananmen square I did".

If anyone else likes to listen to (((Viper))) and is confused as to why you hear repeats under different titles, he has made a limited amount of music and then re-released the same songs thousands if not tens of thousands of times, identically, under a different beat, under new names, backwards, all to scam money off of streaming sites such as Spotify and Jewtube.

Fuck /mu/ and fuck you

did you just project your dependance on 4chan to form your opinions onto me? I've never used that site for more than 60 seconds at a time because it's so overrated and boring and gay

/mu/ is one of the worst boards and they are always spamming this garbage. You're one of them. Booooooo.

This is based off of the chopped and screwed H Town style and video games so I unironically like this. I have never been a 4chan user. Cringe.

Well you'd fit right in. They all have shit taste just like you.


Is this the new Criminal-American music that was invented after Jazz where you don't sing but recite poems to beats?

If you tacked on 30 years to it's development and filtered it through a codeine and marihuana addiction, sure.