Programmers are the burger-flippers of the future. CMV

1  2019-12-24 by goldfish_memories

Also why the fuck are 90% of the people on this website engineers or programmers??? We don't need a billion of you, I'm forced to forever assume someone is lying when they claim these titles now, it's like you used a computer and your a nerd so you're a programmer? Odd way of saying you work at star bucks


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I feel like I'm reading another language when I look at that link in removeddit. Based? nu-male? And why do they hate the nintendo switch so much? I googled "soyboy meme" and now I'm even more mystified.


  1. Programmers are the burger-flippers... -,

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Im a programmer of beverages

Most redditors are fat virgin nerds, same can be said for most programmers. We can tell that your entire life is based around reddit because you think it’s representative of the actual population. If you go outside for once you will see that normal people don’t program.

Now are you going to join us programmingcels or are you happy being a subway sandwich artist?

imagine seething so much over a pasta lmao. it's truly over for programmingcels

It never even began for us

Based and Ted-pilled.

I only became a programmer because I sucked at soccer so I started playing video games. Joke's on us, our burgers are programmed to flip themselves so it's soon gonna be over for us, as well.

A pill best boofed πŸ‘Œ

Codingcels rise up ✊🏻


Journalists are the coders of the future!

gotDAYUM king, go the fuck OFF! I so want to go back in time to 2003 and purge all nerds while there was still time.

why the fuck are 90% of the people on this website engineers or programmers?

Go to any leftoid sub and you'll see most of them are burger flippers or still sucking their mama's tit.

Go to any rightoid sub and you'll see most of them are plumbers or still having their mama's wipe their ass.

Bruh plumbers have thwir moms life with THEM, not the other way tbh

bruh πŸ’―πŸ˜πŸ€€πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

good bot

found the plumber

Tbh in the future plumbers make average 60k

Instead of telling journalists to learn to code we should tell them to learn to lay pipes.

Yeah makes them less soy tbh

For your sake, please stop watching porn. It's affecting your judgement of reality.


Sadly it's true. Make good money, but not enough to put them in a nursing home.

Just invest in apple and biy gold lol

That's a long term strategy and is too late to use once she's living with you. Your only chance is that she's on Medicaid and you and dump her in a home. Or you find some sucker that likes older mediocre pussy who would happily date her and have her move in with him. Medicaid is the safer and more likely bet.

Just invest immediately out of highschool and do trade jobs ez win

You aren't wrong although AI will improve to the point soonish where it will be able to do it better than humans

Which thread was this in again?

Learn to use google you simpleton. Entitled zoomers nowadays smh

Excuse me but we are called engineers. I didn’t take his 40 hour online class to be disrespected.

Congrats. That's 39 hours more than your average engineers

Most programmers are fucking retarded, and I say this as a computer programmer.

90% of the "programmers" on this website are 12 year olds who wrote 10 lines of python and think they're king shit

have a look at r/programmerhumor, people proudly post there about not knowing what a pointer is because le quirky and get 1000 upcummies for it, it also might be the most unfunny part of this website, mostly because the population just pretends to find it funny to fit in and doesn't even know what the joke is supposed to be

That sub is like 100% freshman college students and other zoomers, it doesn't represent the actual programming population at all.

After going through engineering myself I realised 95% of the people there are nerds

Aka perfectly suited for leddit

Everybody seems to work in IT. They wear it like a badge of honor because they think it sounds like a smart person profession, but it's about as intellectually demanding as a jiffy lube mechanic. Congratulations, you run Ethernet cable to the desks of people that do actual engineering work.