how jungle asians looksmaxx

1  2019-12-24 by tejanx


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We’re doing drugs. If i wanted to hear “don’t do it man” or any other sort of social stigma about wanting to put meth in my ass I would have asked my mom what her thoughts were. Obviously if I’m ready to put meth in my ass and I want to know whether or not I should take a shit first, I’ve already made up my mind. It’s going up there.


  1. how jungle asians looksmaxx -,

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Lol the only difference is tucking in the fat and keeping a resting bitchface to hide her rooster chin and nasolabial folds.

"I need you to wear this mask and we're doing it doggy style. You don't ask questions, as usual"

I don’t know. It seems to me like she lost a bit of weight.

Literally who?

Rose from new Star Wars movies. Nobody liked her in second so she barely appeared in last


If jungle asians didn't exist, whites couldn't propagate. Source: parents


Do you have a patent for this idea? 🙄

You haven’t posted one in a while, so I assumed it was open-source. 🤗

dont know if the gooks caught on yet but they already make chemicals that you can inject to chemically de-melanate you, that should be popular eventually

She looks cute in both pics.

NGL, the one on the left looks easier. The right is starting to get that Michel Jackson/Kaitlin Jenner face.

This guy gets it. The left one would let you throatfuck her and thank you for the privilege.

Its good she is losing some weight. There is no excuse for being a fat asian.