r/insanepeoplefacebook discusses IQ by race

1  2019-12-24 by Communazi66


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You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. r/insanepeoplefacebook discusses IQ... - archive.org, archive.today

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then asian and jews are the master race not mayos

this has been a public service announcement to rid the world of mayo filth


fuck niggers for being poor and uneducated

fuck kikes for beng rich and educated

we wuz vikangz n shiet

Where's my based asian gf now ?

Just go the Philippines and wear your passport around your neck and pick what you like.

Dating brown skins 🤢

You might get lucky and find a troid with a big brown dick

Agreed on OkCupid, so far I've got 3 likes from Philippines and 1 from each of Benin, Uganda, Turkmenistan, Vietnam.

Why are the dumb fucks always so obsessed with IQ? There's been zero definitive proof that IQ is correlated to success.

One of the top comments. That sub is more stupid than any racist.

Don't you know that people with the highest IQ are the ones that get the most karma from r/politics ?

Gonna go out on a limb and assume that place is just slightly more subtle with their racism.

You know, I really shouldn't be surprised at some of the stuff being said in this thread, but here we are. Locking this thread until it can be cleaned of the racist filth.

Happy Holidays everyone.

Edit: I'm unlocking this thread, but we will still be keeping an eye on it.


Imagine doing this on Christmas. 3000+ comments. Fucking hell.

There's no annual or holiday vacations for online janitors. But don't worry, the pay makes it worth it.

"Hey honey what were you doing for half an hour while making loud noises and clicking angrily??"

closes mod tools "I... I was watching furry porn maa"

"Oh okay, at least you weren't moderating subreddits again! Now come eat your dinner 😁"

Imagine going to a tribe speaks in clicks and has no use for written or symbolic language and administering an IQ test to distract your population of mouth breathers from the fact that the jews and asians score higher on your own test

I'm stealing this

Clicks are the phoneme of the angels

milk ape 🦍🦍🦍



The people who believe in this shit are disgusting trashy rednecks. Not exactly master race material.