1 2019-12-26 by make_reddit_great
1 AutoModerator 2019-12-26
Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT
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1 SnapshillBot 2019-12-26
i am a survivor of reading this gussy nonsense
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 TrapNekoLoli 2019-12-26
Everyone of them looks like he has a different disability, the left truly is inclusive.
I wonder why they're all white tho hnmm
1 NotchDidNothingWrong 2019-12-26
Because communists don't like other races.
1 Dimbledorf 2019-12-26
1 machomaam 2019-12-26
is that bubbles
1 capthazelwoodsflask 2019-12-26
They promised him that there would be kitties.
1 Guntfighter_Actual 2019-12-26
I wonder if one or two that are closer to being normal are wondering why there's nothing but retards at the Commie meeting.
1 Somenakedguy 2019-12-26
Girl in the middle is p cute tbh
1 companyfry 2019-12-26
qualifies as a low-tier art hoe i believe
1 DoodleIsMyBaby 2019-12-26
There's always that one sort of semi attractive girl at these kinds of things that gets off on the fact that she finally gets to be the pretty one in the group since every other girl there is a 3 or below.
1 Putin-Nanny 2019-12-26
Are they related or is this just a specific commayo phenotype?
1 jewdanksdad 2019-12-26
...why do they look so retarded?
1 Zooming_Throwaway 2019-12-26
It's like one of these chicken and egg problems: does communism cause retardation or do retards flock to communism ? It is a mystery.
1 AnnoyinTheGoyim 2019-12-26
Are the two on the left in a homosexual relationship?
1 tks4thegoldKindNegro 2019-12-26
Really stretching the meaning of the word “young” there
1 JamesJacksonSacHeHim 2019-12-26
A tranny and four literal retards and three Canadians
1 SchnupfStaffel 2019-12-26
That's why my Communism only works alone.
1 flak-88 2019-12-26
They would all be purge first day of commie regime
How are they young? The one on the far right looks at least 60.
1 AutoModerator 2019-12-26
Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-12-26
i am a survivor of reading this gussy nonsense
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 TrapNekoLoli 2019-12-26
Everyone of them looks like he has a different disability, the left truly is inclusive.
I wonder why they're all white tho hnmm
1 NotchDidNothingWrong 2019-12-26
Because communists don't like other races.
1 Dimbledorf 2019-12-26
1 machomaam 2019-12-26
is that bubbles
1 capthazelwoodsflask 2019-12-26
They promised him that there would be kitties.
1 Guntfighter_Actual 2019-12-26
I wonder if one or two that are closer to being normal are wondering why there's nothing but retards at the Commie meeting.
1 Somenakedguy 2019-12-26
Girl in the middle is p cute tbh
1 companyfry 2019-12-26
qualifies as a low-tier art hoe i believe
1 DoodleIsMyBaby 2019-12-26
There's always that one sort of semi attractive girl at these kinds of things that gets off on the fact that she finally gets to be the pretty one in the group since every other girl there is a 3 or below.
1 Putin-Nanny 2019-12-26
Are they related or is this just a specific commayo phenotype?
1 jewdanksdad 2019-12-26
...why do they look so retarded?
1 Zooming_Throwaway 2019-12-26
It's like one of these chicken and egg problems: does communism cause retardation or do retards flock to communism ? It is a mystery.
1 AnnoyinTheGoyim 2019-12-26
Are the two on the left in a homosexual relationship?
1 tks4thegoldKindNegro 2019-12-26
Really stretching the meaning of the word “young” there
1 JamesJacksonSacHeHim 2019-12-26
A tranny and four literal retards and three Canadians
1 SchnupfStaffel 2019-12-26
That's why my Communism only works alone.
1 flak-88 2019-12-26
They would all be purge first day of commie regime
1 DoodleIsMyBaby 2019-12-26
How are they young? The one on the far right looks at least 60.