Children of russian rape victims scared of only country protecting them from becoming West Russia, literal retards argue that Russia isn't a threat after two years of red-scare falls flat, neither group realizing europe is a joke that needs to be cleansed with fire.

1  2019-12-26 by HarryPotterIsADem


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I will never be with a female who defecates. The whole reason my last girlfriend and I split was because I found out she did, in fact, poop.


  1. Children of russian rape victims sc... -,

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Imagine arguing about europoors on an American website filled with Americans made by Americans centered around America. We need a new european plague that isn't habbabi in a hijabi

surely those georgian/ukranian/moldovan eating leopards would never eat me

I like how germans are scared of the russian threat after having to be collectively beat into submission by the western world.

The germans worst enemy is itself.

the worst enemy of germany is being a europoor faggot who's bloodline consists of only the most bottom-of-the-barrel genetics after 2000 years of killing off anyone who can hold a poorly made sword or poorly made musket. The only thing left across europe are all of the men who when you say, "kill the men and boys" you wave your hand at and go, "except them, they have no spirit. Put them to work until they are dead." because you don't fear them hurting your POW guards or escaping whatsoever lol

Threads like this are why I want us to leave NATO, take our weapons home, and institute a travel ban against western europoors.


Gospel, brother.

All Euros of any worth emigrated to America or died in a World War.
