Northtards triggered by Bad Orange Man appearing in a movie 25 years ago

1  2019-12-26 by Irishyouwouldshutup


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Anime isn't just a bunch of cheap American ripoffs of cartoons, it's art. Next time you American sheeple are watching your simpsons or south park or whatever mindless American cartoons that have plots, storylines and comedy, I'll be Admiring the wonderful and superior art of Chinese cartoons.


  1. Northtards triggered by Bad Orange ... -,

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apparently DJT was cut from the movie in 2015 by (((networks))) to show (((commercials))), before any trade war nonsense so....





This is the single time zionism has actually conflicted with him.

inbred hitler is an old timey racist, were it not for his jewish offspring and his need for the evangelical inbred vote he'd hate them for competing with him and his money

It's one-sided. He hates jews but they love him.

It's kinda like how Jews love American money but they can't stop trying to undermine it.

They play both sides. They're also the ones that made and maintain it. Hence why gommies hate both.

Jews need to go to the countryside and redeem themselves as farmers, hunters, soldiers and laborers, far from the temples of Moloch.

C O N S O O M !

when literally just making room for commercials somehow baits (((righties)))

I never watched the movie but I assume he probably did something for the plot, so wouldn’t removing this just make it confusing?

He pointed out where the elevators were or something. Not at all important.

Trump was guaranteed cameos in movies that used his properties. He always had bit parts. Search YouTube for the Ghostbusters II video On Our Own. You will see a younger Trump along with a bunch of washed up celebrities.

Imagine that you have to cut a scene so innocent back then because the man grew up to purposely mislead kids en masse. I mean, this scene only proves that Trump always didn't care about separated families.

This could have been an incredible plot twist where Trump paid the writers to escort McAllaster home or wherever, maybe fly him on Trump Airlines or whatever the fuck.

Nope, Border Patrol is that way *points*.

the scene was removed before he ran for president you rapist

Exactly, we didn’t need him to put kids in cages to prove he was an asshole, even something as innocent as Home Alone identified it.

Do you see the level of stupid you need to back this fucking guy?

Look at me. I will never be accused of sexual harassment. My kick is turning down a girl and turning up the one my wife chooses to bring to bed and she will never choose anyone but the most Alpha, learned women.

I don’t need to pay for sex and be buddies with a person like Epstein.

Clinton can get rat fucked idc anyone with money has NO FUCKING EXCUSE FOR PAYING FOR SEX.

are you mentally retarded?

Exactly, we didn’t need him to put kids in cages to prove he was an asshole

So you agree that Obama is the same level of asshole when his administration did it? Were you just as outraged back then?

I was not, unfortunately the media did not invest enough in covering this.

What I do know is that Obama’s Administration did not inflict unnecessary cruelty. Let us be frank. I’m a hard centrist. Hop a border without papers? I’m locking you up. God knows what you’re bringing in, that if you were processed under a FAIR immigration policy, could be addressed.

There is not a single answer anyone can provide that doesn’t end in some degree of cruelty. However, there is a difference between what I’ve read about the Obama Administration’s handling of the border, and the purposeful torture of families that are experiencing a severe economic downturn thanks to rich men playing games.

This argument is tired and moot as you will never address the fact that Trump cheated on almost every woman he ever was with. That one thing alone should boil your blood, before we address the only tax papers we have on him showing that he will lie about how many floors his buildings have.

I can do this all night and fuck citations, you know what I’m talking about. I’ll leave others to provide citations as Google is that easy, you are that dumb, and Bernie Sanders will be my next President.

Taking anything seriously is a COPE

Cmon bruh I know it's fun to seriouspost after a speed binge but a true deuxchad controls their urges.

Speed is a hell of a of a of a of a drug