AITA for refusing to date single mothers?

1  2019-12-27 by Communazi66

So I was on Tinder the other day. And I found this qt 3.14 and I swiped whichever direction is for my erection. She matched me and we started talking. She said she likes anal so I thought she was my soulmate.

But later on, she says she has a kid. She tells me her husband died in Iraq. I told her I can't date her because if our relationship becomes serious then that means I would be raising her kid and raising someone else's kid makes me a cuck. She called me an asshole and blocked me.

Am I the asshole for refusing to be a cuck?


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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. AITA for refusing to date single mo... -,

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YTA for using qt 3.14. is that supposed to mean 'cutie' or what?

“Cutie pie”

Do math you mongoloid

Yikes, YTA so much sweaty.

YIKES! Be better, OP.

That aint it chief!

No. For real though, my cousin is dating some chick with a kid and the entire family is making me break them up because we're close. I'm in agreement with them that it's an incredibly dumb decision, but I know for a fact it'll just sour our relationship if I say anything about it to him and probably wouldn't change his mind. So right now I'm just leaving it alone, although everyone keeps trying to talk to me about it. We're Chinese too so there's a whole lot of appearances and saving face about it going on (and the chick is some dumb local yokel, for fuck's sake).

NTA. Her pussy was loose anyway.

Widow with a C-section scar is about as good as it gets for single-moms. Says everything.

The real victims of war.

Well who the hell is is going to take photos of them in front of sunsets?

Calm down, Hillary.

Anal is gay-porn nonsense leaking into your brain due to the cinematic decisions of (((our ancient friends)))

Single mothers can be taken on as a low-level concubine, so long as they willingly accept discipline from the higher-level concubines and the Primary Wife. It is a good work in the eyes of the gods to care for a widow - but she must understand her new status.

YTA, fuck off

NTA. The father died after getting the ultimate cuck by the state and lost his life. You would be raising another cuck's kid. That would make you a super mega cuck.

YTA because you should support the women and children of veterans. He died for you freedom and access to cheap gasoline. You should be thanking that woman and child for their service.