Guy forgets to outright say he’s being sarcastic in a satire sub. Gamingcirclejerk user is having none of it

1  2019-12-28 by Paul_Blart_Mall_Fart


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Yes you do, you fucking imbecile. If you are rejerking you have to put /rj in front of it and if you are not rejerking you put /uj in front of it, although some people don’t use /uj but yes you need to put /rj on comments that are rejerking. There are people who come here to un ironically say that shit so that’s what /rj is for.

Snappy, add this shit.

Redditors always get so riled up about jerking 😳

My next course of action when some redditeur pulls this shit is to say that I forgive them because I know that Americans usually don't understand irony. suddenly years of "uhuhuh they'll understand me in sweden" disappears.

reddit is half coomers and half people angry they aren’t cooming

My next course of action when some redditeur pulls this shit is to say that I forgive them because I know that Americans usually don't understand irony. suddenly years of "uhuhuh they'll understand me in sweden" and "i fart in ur general direction xdxd british humour xdxd" disappears and they realise they're just like the rest of the degenerate amerimayo race.


Yes you do, you fucking imbecile. If you are rejerking you have to put /rj in front of it and if you are not rejerking you put /uj in front of it, although some people don’t use /uj but yes you need to put /rj on comments that are rejerking. There are people who come here to un ironically say that shit so that’s what /rj is for.

I just lost brain cells


Wait, their are more rules to being sarcastic than just using /s?

/uj Yes retard.

I can never decide what's more disgusting. A: Being so unconfident in your joke and/or the audience of said joke that you have to point out that it is, in fact, a joke. Or B: Giving even the slightest shit whether a couple leddit retards accidentally think you were serious. Boo hoo my poor karma.

this is why circlejerk subs are dead

good riddance tbh

Soccercirclejerk is pretty good. Gamingcirclejerk really became dead when it was finally invaded by people from r/traaaans or whatever. Almost like overly fragile people and joking and sarcasm don’t really mix

No, worse, chapos. Granted /r/traaaaaaans is like 85% chapos but you get the point.

r/circlejerk is still pretty good

nbacirclejerk is fun

r/PFjerk is great if you hate personalfinance losers as much as me

Is that just wallstreetbets?

Really funny people in pfjerk

/r/gaybroscirclejerk is nice for bussy circlejerk

I don’t understand anything they are saying and I’m glad that I don’t know.

Learn English then

"He didn't put the autism tag ergo I can't figure what he meant"

That is a fuck ton of rules to shitpost to.

I don’t know if I’m being laughed with or at. I’m just glad people can get enjoyment out of this.

Nah not at you, it’s at the person giving you shit for forgetting muh /rj

I could see why he was confused at first but he just seemed adamant on me being a transphobe.

because he's a fucking retard

Browsing that sub at this point is just constant walking on eggshells because of how hypersensitive their subscribers are (who are basically r/egg_irl types.... coincidence 🤔🤔), don’t even care if you accidentally offend one of them that’s not on you

  1. I’m not a guy
  2. You were very adamant about a fucking joke and defending yourself saying transphobic stuff, I wonder why I thought you were transphobic.

You were very adamant about a fucking joke and defending yourself saying transphobic stuff, I wonder why I thought you were transphobic.

IDK I mean you attacked someone for jerking in a circlejerk subreddit, he just tried to explain how the sub works to you 🤷‍♂️

I know the damn subreddit works, but there are people who un ironically believe that shit even in that subreddit so to differentiate you from the people who are actually transphobic you need to have an indication that it is satire. It’s not that fucking difficult to understand.

you need to have an indication that it is satire.

Yeah but the default state of the subreddit is supposed to be satire, you're ruining the entire purpose by declaring you were just ironic. It's like explaining your joke before saying it.

there are people who un ironically believe that shit even in that subreddit so to differentiate you from the people who are actually transphobic

And what's stopping them from just typing /rj and still being genuinely transphobic under the guise of satire?

  1. If the default of the sub is satire that would still have the effect of knowing it is satire because everything is satire
  2. Well the vast majority of those people don’t read the rules of the subreddit they are posting that to.

If the default of the sub is satire that would still have the effect of knowing it is satire because everything is satire

The comments are meant to read like over the top, but still somewhat plausible discussion in the sub you're mocking. That's the entire appeal, to read the discussion and in the case or GCJ, go "jesus christ this reads like /r/pcgaming and it's so fucking bad".

Typing /rj before all of the comments breaks the illusion and makes the whole experience far less enjoyable. Just get a masstagger or some shit and report when you think someone is hiding behind satire.

Well the vast majority of those people don’t read the rules of the subreddit they are posting that to.

Fair enough, that's true for most people though some might be dedicated enough to still hide in there.

You’re acting like a 40 year old soccer mom demanding to see the manager at a McDonald’s because her fries are cold. You’re tossing out insults and accusations of transphobia from the cross you’ve firmly nailed yourself to. Don’t accuse me, I don’t hate anyone for who they are I just think you personally have a victim complex and get off on outrage.

Ah yes, because people don't actually hate trans people.

I hate trans people. Thank god the suicide rate is so high (almost like it’s a mental illness), because they’re the ugliest creatures I’ve ever seen. 1 dead trannie = less chance of my eyes starting to bleed.

there’s nothing worse than a stupid person who, when it’s been proven that they’re wrong, decides to double down on the stupid shit they’re saying

take some more titty skittles and calm down a bit, dude. learn how satire works while you’re at it.

  2. To be proven wrong you must be wrong, but im not wrong.

ok dude

god why are trannies always so uppity

  1. Am I supposed to telepathically know your gender from a comment on Reddit?

  2. I was trying to explain how unjerk works but the folks here probably do it better than me.

Gender neutral pronouns exist.

but why would anyone use them for you when you're clearly a man

Is it really worth it to get outraged over someone not getting your gender right?

  1. You assumed my gender instead of just using gender neutral pronouns despite the fact that I am clearly trans, you fucking dumbass.
  2. Also fuck you as I am not getting brigaded and harassed thanks to you. This is a message someone actually sent me, “I hate trans people. Thank god the suicide rate is so high (almost like it’s a mental illness), because they’re the ugliest creatures I’ve ever seen. 1 dead trannie = less chance of my eyes starting to bleed.”

Okay, you can ignore and block them if you don’t like it lol.

  1. That’s fucking harassment and shouldn’t be allowed at all
  2. If you hadn’t posted about how you got banned they wouldn’t have started harassing me.

If you hadn’t gone full blown autismo over a satirical comment none of this would have happened.

  1. If you had added a total of 4 more characters to your original comment none of this would have happened
  2. “Autsimo” wow just wow. It doesn’t surprise me that you are ableist but I didn’t think you would be so brazen about it.

I’m gonna be honest I treat all people transgender, gay, bi, straight the same so I don’t really have time for your complex bullshit norms.

You used having autism as an insult, that’s not okay.

To be fair to him, I randomly came across that thread on my own and posted it first, he only got banned after that thread was brigaded, I mean not that that was my intention, he posted that afterwards

  1. Most of the people who I’ve seen give me the death threats and harassment have come from his banned post
  2. I don’t know how much you know about trans people but outside of the few subreddits specifically made for us, people on the internet despise you and some even want us dead. So just for the future be careful about spreading trans Redditers to other subs.

Just pointin out what happened, I didn’t look at his post myself so I won’t deny what you say

And I just posted that as if you were any gcj user, I only found out you were trans after. Just sayin but maybe people with that much insecurities don’t really mix well with a sub where people are supposed to mostly joke, because then threads like that become more common

What he said wasn’t a joke, I’m fine with jokes, satire, and even dark humor but saying people don’t deserve rights isn’t a joke and shouldn’t be treated as such.

I mean that’s fair, it was a lazy comment, but that’s also fitting for an equally lazy post

Damn someone should print that on a shirt and sell it that's good.

I'm not a guy

We both know that you still are

Actually go fuck yourself, you transphobic shit.

You will never, ever, be accepted as your desired gender. There will always be something off about you. You make everyone around you uncomfortable.

Youre a hateful backwards person, off yourself mong.

I’m not a trannie you toxic, stupid fuck. Kill yourself

Yes you do, you fucking imbecile. If you are rejerking you have to put /rj in front of it and if you are not rejerking you put /uj in front of it, although some people don’t use /uj but yes you need to put /rj on comments that are rejerking. There are people who come here to un ironically say that shit so that’s what /rj is for.

I'm not a guy

Not only are you not a woman, you're not even a trans woman. Your post history reads like an encyclopedic guide to fetishistic pseudo-transsexuality, replete with whining that lesbians should be forced to suck your "girldick."

In short, you are exactly as insane as your sperging in gamingcirclejerk made you look. Good job.

Don’t forget arguing that you don’t need a uterus to have periods, explaining to a cis woman what a period is, calling her a cunt and a transphobe for disagreeing with her views. Lots of defending Yaniv too. Also a big supporter of Fallon Fox. This person is a straight troll or an absolute turd of a human.

This shit is unfortunately common enough that this guy is probably 100% serious.

Oh so you are a truscum, how about you just fuck right off because you have no idea what you are talking about.

how about you just fuck right off

No, I don't think I will.

Imagine wanting to be a woman and not even managing to be a bad imitation of one lmao. You should probably seek some actual help for your rapey fetish before you hurt a child or something.

Oh, I looked at your profile and you are just transphobic in general. I don’t bother with transphobes.

And yet here you are, bothering with me.

tbh I don't even like real trannies all that much and yet I'm still offended for them when I see people like you jerking yourself vigorously while appropriating their actual medical problem. Imagine being such a blight on humanity that you make a transphobe feel bad for trannies.

I’m not a guy

Okay dude, hang on my guy, alright bro, hey man, chill out.

Would it kill you to be a decent human being? If so, then do it.

Hey brother don't have a cow brosephino


You’re not being laughed at. That person want you to be a transphobe so they can confront you. That’s why they wrote a small novel of outrage despite being wrong.

I’m just glad people can get enjoyment out of this.

Ur cool kid

how mentally deficient must you be to go full confrontation over /rj and /uj. like, actually think about this. they're both taking the concept of reddit completely seriously without a hint of irony

they're both tards for posting in that sub, but one is defo more tarded than the other.

The sub is going quite downhill I do admit. It’s less about gaming and more about minorities and Pewdiepie.

going? been this way for years

I don't know what uj/ means and I don't want to know. I will block anyone who responds to this comment.

Block me

Block me

The circlejerk subs were all taken over by Chapotrannies.

That sub is so cucked. I used to active on it like a year ago but ever since the “transgender rights” thing became a thing, I had to unsub. Plus nearly every user there is an anti-Trump, male feminist commie and I just can’t support that.

I love how resistors can literally never pick up on social cues. Like not meme autism, actual ASD shit