Thousands of children of single-mother households cry out in pain as random druggy says the 11 words the majority of men believe, proceed to brigade the comment into the negative tens of thousands, begin following the user around telling him to kill himself.

1  2019-12-28 by HarryPotterIsADem


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Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha


  1. Thousands of children of single-mot... -,

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Imagine hearing the truth is so utterly painful that you throw your, "we are the progressive good guys!" shtick the moment someone points out why the majority of men are so emasculated in the US and Europe.

SRD - "Healthcare for all! Everyone should have free college and we need open borders! Arrest those that say men in dresses aren't women! That's violent hate speech! WE NEED BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF ADDICTION AND STOP ATTACKING FATTIES AND DRUGGIES AND INSTEAD HELP THEM!"

Druggy - "Imagine raising some other guys kid lol"


On multiple occasions on subs with liberal white demographics I've gone from being accused of being a white racist for saying things that they don't like and were probably intentionally misinterpreting, to immediately being made fun of for sounding white, literally implying that speaking English and not ebonics or monkey noises is not black.

Also the latinx nonsense, since tr00ns are much higher than spics on the value of human hierarchy u better belee dat white people who openly acknowledge they don't know any spanish will suggest you are backwards and need to be enlightened by them in correcting your own language

"im an incel without hate lol conservative blacks are uncle tom niggers my mom did nothing wrong letting my dead beat father shoot a load in her incel"

where is the drama all i saw was cidclejerk

It's really fucking impressive to see how circlejerks form. One guy is a douche to every step parent and suddenly every comment that goes against it is right.

People are so unpreoccupied by being the biological parent of their kid that foster care runs out of children to give out and step parents are showed to be as committed to stepkids that are wanted as biological parents commit to kids that are wanted. Except that is not what happens at all.