The tipsy gypsy needs your donations for foids that survived being called "gussy gross🤮 " online

1  2019-12-28 by Communazi66


Horny? Chat live with hot autists in your area today with DeuxCHAT

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Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.


  1. The tipsy gypsy needs your donation... -,*

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You can assume zhyr vision for gaming is this idiot's tale

which is if you are a wahmen, you can go around fucking with people and then when they talk back to you you cry harassment and get them banned. she might have actually killed herself which is great news

lol WTF? Is that dude a legit autist?

no, just an lgbtqqiazzlmnopxyz zoomer teenager f*male, she had an extended episode after she politely corrected me on using her preferred language and I literally just said "no", then all that shit happened

You drove "her" out of reddit. It's so sad. "she" was really funny.

i didnt do anything, she literally showed up begging to be bullied and had to escalate when nobody cared

lol "she" bullied "herself" out of reddit.