Gandhi himself literally started his career by arguing that Indians shouldn't be subjected to the same restrictions as filthy nigger animals(yes, he said it), only to be have to return to India when he realized what a waste of time that was, and he ended up as some SJW liberal cuck for equality.
1 AutoModerator 2019-12-28
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1 SnapshillBot 2019-12-28
You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.
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1 SerbianWarCriminal_ 2019-12-28
Gandhi himself literally started his career by arguing that Indians shouldn't be subjected to the same restrictions as filthy nigger animals(yes, he said it), only to be have to return to India when he realized what a waste of time that was, and he ended up as some SJW liberal cuck for equality.
1 MySQ_uirre_L 2019-12-28
literally the only thing currycels offer society is their existence causing regular incels to have hope instead of cope
1 Frog_Refugee_2019 2019-12-28
Superpower in three days.