2020, and why the Left is continuing to lose its shit

1  2020-01-01 by TeenageBasedMan

During the 1964 presidential election, a joke made the rounds in conservative circles. Supposing that Barry Goldwater had won the election, he would've been administered the oath of office by chief justice (and massive s**tlib) Earl Warren, who would've said “Do you swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States, so help you God?” To which Goldwater would've said “I do. You're under arrest, Earl.”

The biggest problem with the strict constructionist view of the US Constitution is that we have almost a ninety years of important precedents which are incompatible with it. It's not just the Warren Court; the New Deal-era twisting of the Commerce Clause makes a mockery of Scalia's vision. Back in the early 1990s, a writer in National Review, of all places, noted that judicial activists really love the dead hand of the past so long as it's attached to a liberal cadaver. Honoring stare decisis, then, is the color negative of Lawrence Auster's unprincipled exception. Instead of surreptitiously making non-liberal exceptions to leftist rules in order to uphold the Enlightenment, the courts would bravely defend liberal exceptions to medieval common law principles in order to uphold a conservative legal order. That's cuckservatism, in a nutshell.

Therefore, stare decisis must go, at least for a generation. The liberals, themselves, see and fear this. Shortly after Trump won the 2016 election, some twenty-something journo-slut on a panel of other journo-whores tearfully told the nation “get your abortions now!” Clearly, she was afraid that Roe vs. Wade would soon be overturned. This underscores what everyone, here, already knows: Leftist victories have been cemented by Leftist judges, and the leftists are losing that.

Combine that with another weapon beloved of the Left: demographics. Just lately, barbarians births came to outnumber citizen births in Rome. Ann Coulter has been touring the country, to great effect, in order to point out this demographic shift. All is not lost, though; the coalition of the fringes is only getting more fragmented, but it's only a matter of time before someone or something is able to unite them into a revolutionary force against civilization. Another Trump presidency gives us VoterID and other measures to halt and turn the tide of demographics.

With the courts and demographics against them, Leftists have the Deep State, Woke Capital, and academia. Academia is going bust because there aren't enough Zoomers to make up for the Millenials who are graduating and because the student debt bubble is so bad that even Slate and Hacker News run articles pointing out that college isn't worth it. The Deep State keeps stepping on its own feminine penis and shows no sign of becoming more effective at fighting Trump. Woke Capital, for all its power, is one campaign of trust-busting away from being defanged.

This puts Leftists in an existential crisis. If they don't win major victories real soon now, then they will be in the same situation that we were in back in 2015, but with no long term hope of getting out of it. Furthermore, Leftists are still better at political organizing than the Right. That Twitter thread by Bronze Age Pervert shows that that particular gap will narrow, but, in the short term, that fact will make the Left even more desperate.

And all of this is happening so soon after 2015, when it seemed that they were about to have us in permanent checkmate. No wonder they're suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

So when we see the Democrats make this stupid impeachment maneuver, and other gambits, we must understand that these are the thrashings of desperate people in the bargaining stage of grief, grieving for the Revolutionary Utopia which they've lost. They may not be in denial of Trump winning; instead, some of them are in denial of the perceived need to do what their predecessors did in 1792, and in 1848, and in 1917. The reason why we're so happy is because the tide is turning into an existential crisis for them. Sooner or later, a lot of them will truly act like it.

I have a hunch that things may get really bad in the next ten years, so keep your powder dry, my fellow bigots. Keep lifting, keep trolling, and let the dank memes flow.

:trump: Keep America Great


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are u a mentally retarded gay

There's no way a rightoid wrote this wall of text.


Typing all those words won’t make your uncle stop fingering your asshole, son.



don't care didn't ask

Combine that with another weapon beloved of the Left: demographics

What the left doesn't seem to realise is that Hispanics are white (or at least, about as white as the average 'murican).

"Hispanic" as a demography basically means "recent immigrant". Assuming their children learn English and get citizenship, there's little stopping their children from being as "white" (in sociological terms, i.e. civilised) as Ted Cruz.

Hispanics are definitely not white, not in the social sense(white = social more than physical) and not in the sense of demographics of Hispanics in the US either.

They're about as white as Texans.

You mean the heavily Mestizo state, ok.

Yes, that heavily Mestizo Republican voting state. Demographics only work in favour for the Democrats on le 49% man, the le 51% man votes Republican.

how about that jordan peele meme where he's sweating and he moves the goalpost and changes the subject from his original claim that Hispanics are white and hope nobody notices

I'm not actually an incel, which JP video is this?

l'epic Jordan Peterson meme

How would you a tell a jew a spic and a mayo apart without daddy telling which is which?

They'll be white as soon as Democrats want to block them from immigrating.


This post really helped me over my New Year Eve's constipation, thank you!

I saw that many words once



I aint reading that shit nigga

Is this some kind of lefty meme